New Zealand Coordinate Conversions

Use this form to convert coordinates between datums, projections and height coordinate systems used in New Zealand.

If you are unsure you may find what you need in a list of commonly used conversions

If you want to convert heights between different vertical datums use the vertical datum conversion form.

Input coordinate system

Height system (optional)
Coordinate format options

Output coordinate system

Height system (optional)
Coordinate format options

Other options

Conversion date:
Specifies the date at which the conversion applies. Many conversions, for example from NZGD2000 to ITRF2008, depend upon the date. The date can be entered either as as decimal year (eg 2000, 2013.5), a day/month/year format (22 8 2012, 5 Jan 1995) or the word "now" for the current date.
Output precision (metres):
Select the approximate precision used for the output coordinates. Note that this affects only the number of digits displayed, not the actual accuracy of the coordinates.
Include input coordinates in the output: