New Zealand Coordinate Conversion Data Entry

The WGS84 system is implemented using the WGS84_G1762 reference frame at the current date

Input coordinates: World Geodetic System 1984 (G1762)
Output coordinates: New Zealand Map Grid
Conversion epoch: 2024.312
Note that coordinates referred to as WGS84 are often latitude and longitude coordinates referenced to local marks, and are actually in terms of New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000. For more information on this issues see LINZ website.
The transformation of NZGD1949 coordinates uses a grid transformation
You can convert coordinates for multiple points. Enter each coordinate to be converted on a separate line then click "Convert coordinates".
Example input: 41 25 38.2 S 172 08 47.1 E

Hint: Bookmark this page if you need to do this conversion often.