How to use the Manual Order Form

How to order records through the Manual Order Form.

Requests for manual searches cost $25 and are usually delivered via email as a PDF within 3 working days.

We will do our best to locate the physical copy of the record, scan it, and email it to you. If we cannot locate the record we may contact you for more information, or we will organise a refund.

Payment methods

We accept payment by Visa and Mastercard credit or debit cards. Transactions are processed using standard encryption technology. By using the Manual Order Form you agree that we may securely pass your credit card details to an industry-standard payment processing provider – currently Windcave.

Your transaction is validated in real time and confirmed immediately. A tax invoice will be emailed to you.

Using the Manual Order Form

Go to Manual Order Form

  1. Select the document type you require. 
    Screenshot of document type
    • If you selected Title, go to step 2.
    • If you selected Survey Plan, go to step 3.
    • If you selected Instrument or other record, go to step 4.
  2. If you selected Title, you can order a 'Current with diagram', 'Historical', or 'Guaranteed Search' Record of Title.
    Screenshot of manual order purchase options for a record title
    Enter as much information as you can about the record you require. Provide your details so we can send the record to you.
    Screenshot of manual order your address
    Screenshot of manual order your details
  3. If you selected Survey Plan, you will be asked to enter a survey number if you have it.
    Screenshot of manual order additional info for survey plan
  4. If you selected Instrument, enter the correct instrument or record number to ensure you get the relevant information. If you do not have this information or are unsure, you may first need to order the related title before ordering an instrument. We strongly recommend that you include the related title number in your order.
    Screenshot of additional info for instrument
  5. Once you have entered and reviewed the details of your order, click the 'Order' button to confirm. Note that you can only order one item per request.
    Screenshot of manual order place order button
  6. You will be directed to an 'enter payment details' screen.
    Screenshot of a payment checkout screen with a Card details input form, then a 'Transaction Approved' message.
  7. Once you have submitted the payment, you will be directed to a confirmation page with your order number. An email will also be sent confirming your order.

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