Search using the map

Land Record Search allows you to search for a parcel of land using the map as an alternative option to the Search field.

What to do

1. Choose the map layer option.
  1. Select the map icon on the right-hand side of the screen to change layers:
    • Map shows parcels (in residential areas) and street names
    • Satellite shows an aerial view.
Satellite image icon highlighted on map
2. Zoom in to the required area on the map and select the land parcel you require.
Zoom in and zoom out icons highlighted on map.
  1. Zoom in to the required area on the map until the cursor turns into a hand. You can:
    • select the +/- button on the right hand side of the screen to zoom in / out of the map
    • click or double-click the map
    • use the scroll wheel on the mouse
    • use two fingers to pinch out on the map (if using a touch screen).
  2. To pan around the map, you can:
    • click and hold while moving the cursor on the map (desktop computer users)
    • pinch and hold and move your fingers on the map (if using a touch screen).
  3. Once you have located the land parcel you require, select it to open.