Searching for content on our website
To find specific content in New Landonline support, run a Google search with the words "new landonline support [words you want to find]", e.g. New Landonline find a new work item.
The content you need should be near the top of the results list.
Working between Legacy and New Landonline
A survey will be locked in the following scenarios:
- where a user has opened a work item in the new TA Certification application first the item will be locked in Legacy Landonline
- where a user has opened a work item in Legacy Landonline first the work item will be locked in the new TA Certification application
- where a user opens a work item in the new TA certification application the work item will be locked so that no other user eg Surveyor can work on the survey at the same time.
To release a locked survey, use the “Back & unlock” button. Be careful not to select the browser back button as this could cause the survey to be locked for 20 minutes.
Searching within TA Certifications app
My work, Unassigned work, and All current work search is based on keywords eg the name of the surveyor, or TA cert status.
Completed work has a different approach because of the number of records that are available to search. It features a panel where you input the search terms including the date range and refine.

The New work item search (suitcase icon to the right of the ‘Filter by keyword’ field on the My work pages) searches for all Survey’s including
- those that are completed (but not yet deposited)
- when a paper-based application for Certification was lodged, but a Landonline Certification Request hasn’t been created by the Surveyor.
Columns in the work tabs can be filtered between ascending, descending or the original ‘notify date’ order. To activate, click to the right of the column name for ascending, click again for descending and click a third time to turn off filter.