Why am I locked out of my TA work item?
There are a few reasons why this may occur.
Your web browser
As New Landonline displays in a web browser (such as Chrome, Edge, Safari...) you may accidently navigate away from the open work item if you:
- select the web browser’s back button instead of the Back & unlock button
- close the browser (or the browser tab displaying Landonline)
- change the URL.
If the application has been inactive for more than 15 minutes, you will be automatically logged out. The work item will then be locked.
Other users in New Landonline
When you open a work item in New Landonline it will be locked to other users. This means no other user can work on the certification request at the same time.
Working between Legacy Landonline vs New Landonline
- If you open a work item in New Landonline first, the item will be locked in Legacy Landonline
- If you open a work item in Legacy Landonline first, the item will be locked in the new TA Certification application.
What do I do if I am locked out of my work item?
As a work item can only be opened and edited by one user at a time, go to the My Work page and check the lock status. There may be a slight delay while the lock status is refreshed.
- Check to see if it is opened by another user. Hover over the padlock next to the CSD reference number to identify if another user has the work item open.
You will still be able to access the work item in ‘read only’ mode. - If it is locked by you, unlock the work item by reopening it again. You may need to refresh the My Work page to see that the lock has disappeared.
Known issues
Information on current known issues for New Landonline – TA Certification:
- Switching to another TA while viewing a Work item in detail view incorrectly allows continued viewing of the same Work item.
- Dropdown-select fields in s348 TA Certificate requests allows free text.
- Punctuation issue on 224c certificates – missing full stop.
- Preview of TA Approval document doesn’t reflect sequence of recently reordered certificates.
- ‘Completed work’ 2000+ records warning message incorrectly remains visible on ‘New work item’ view.
- ‘Assign to me’ does not update the assignee in ‘Completed work’ when filtered.
- Work item can only be put on hold if it is in ‘Under action’ status.
- Assigned and pending Work item needs to update to ‘Under action’ after an update is made.
- Order of certificates differ between TA Certification and TA Approval documents.
- Work items for approved surveys do not appear in ‘My work’ list view.
- Sorting ‘Work item’ lists by ‘Assigned to’ can be inconsistent.