Where Māori land records are held

Nau mai, haere mai. Find out which organisations kaitiaki Māori land records.

Most Māori land records held by Māori Land Court

Most Māori land records are under kaitiaki of the Māori Land Court.

You can search for these records with the online portal Pātaka Whenua:

Pātaka Whenua - tā tātou tomokanga tuihono 

Land Record Search holds some land records

You may be able to find some Māori land records through Land Record Search, for example:

  • Crown purchase deeds
  • Crown grants
  • Provisional registers.

Before you search for Māori land records

Before you start to search you need to gather 3 pieces of information:

  • the owner’s name
  • the block name
  • Māori Land Court District the land is located in.

Find how to search for these and other Māori Land Records

Last updated