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A summary of submissions on the topic and scope of Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand’s Long-Term Insights Briefing (LTIB) 2025.

Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (Toitū Te Whenua) is producing its next Long-Term Insights Briefing (LTIB). Between 30 September and 31 October 2024, we consulted on the proposed topic: 

“Pathways to resilience: Long-Term Crown land stewardship”

View the consultation document: Long-term Insights Briefing - Help us shape how we manage Crown land in the future

Following consultation, the proposed topic of the LTIB has been confirmed. The scope has been updated to focus on how Toitū Te Whenua ensures that its approach to the stewardship of Crown land is resilient to shocks and emerging challenges between now and 2050.

We received 18 submissions during the consultation period. Of these, 14 submissions were strongly supportive of the proposed topic and made positive suggestions for areas to cover. One submission opposed the topic, and three expressed no stance.

Most submitters identified climate change, changing land use practices, and advances in technology, and population growth as the trends most likely to affect Toitū Te Whenua’s future management of Crown land. Submitters further identified biodiversity loss, the growth of the green economy, and mātauranga Māori as additional major trends for consideration.

Themes from responders included:

  • the need for a future-focused approach to land management
  • the role of good property data in effective land management
  • the importance of including, and giving influence to, Māori perspectives and knowledge in land management 
  • a preference to see the LTIB consider environmental matters beyond climate change
  • a belief in the economic potential of Crown land, including for sustainable tourism and primary production
  • a need to consider overlapping layers of land regulation and a desire to see this streamlined.