
Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand is proposing to make 2 sets of changes to the Landonline Terms and Conditions: changes to effect removal of Licence fee and changes to manage bad debtors.

Proposed changes

Changes to effect removal of Licence fee

The first changes relate to the recently announced decision to waive the Landonline per-user ‘licence’ fee.

Landonline pricing

  • Remove the words “licences or other” from the blue side note for Section 2.
  • Remove from clause 2.2(a) the words “licences or other” and “purchases or”. 
  • Remove from clause 2.2 the words “licences and other”.
  • Remove from clause 6.1(a) the words “licences you purchase or other”.
  • Remove clause 6.3 in its entirety, including the blue side note.
  • Remove clause 15.5 in its entirety, including the blue side note.
  • Remove clause 2.1(c) from schedule 2.
  • Modify clause 3.2(d) in schedule 2 to read “allocate a default user access type to an Individual user”.
  • Modify clause 3.2(f) in schedule 2 to read “generate a user access report, and”.

Changes to manage bad debtors

The second changes allow Toitū Te Whenua LINZ to better manage the risk of bad debt from the small proportion of Landonline users who have, in the past, failed to pay fees owing on their accounts and enter an alternate payment arrangement.

  • Add to clause 5.2(d) after the words “Landonline Account” the words “or we have reasonable grounds to consider that there is a real risk that Account Applicant will default on debts arising under these Terms”.
  • Add a new clause 12.5 that reads “Where we have reasonable grounds to consider that there is a real risk that you (as Account Applicant or Account Holder) will default on debt arising under these Terms, we may require you to use an alternate payment arrangement (such as direct debt and/or pre-payment).”


Submissions now closed

This proposal was open for public submission from 21 September 2021 to 19 October 2021.

The new Landonline Terms and Conditions are intended to take effect on 1 November 2021. If there is any change to that date, it will be announced on our website.
