Navigating the Schedule / memorandum panel


What to do 

  1. Select the Schedule/memorandum icon from the Workflow control bar. 
    Toolbar with 'Schedule/memorandum' icon highlighted
  1. The Schedule/memorandum panel will open. 
    There are 5 icons in the header:
    1. Download the schedule/memorandum document as a PDF

    2. Add this schedule/memorandum as a supporting document (to the Supporting documents panel) 

    3. Access Landonline support content relating to this panel 

    4. Pop panel out into a separate window (which allows you to also move it to a separate screen, if you have one)  

    5. Close the panel

      Schedule/memorandum panel with top icons labelled 1 to 5 and + Create table button labelled 6
  2. Use the + Create table to begin creating a schedule/memorandum. 
    Screenshot of schedule memorandum create table
Last updated