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Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) and the Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai (DOC) have developed a draft Long-term Insights Briefing and we are seeking your thoughts.

About the consultation 

This consultation asks if you think the draft briefing covers the key components needed to support a national conversation about potential tools for protecting biodiversity in the future. 

The topic of the draft briefing is: “How can we help biodiversity thrive through the innovative use of information and emerging technologies?”

This topic was confirmed after public consultation in November 2021. View a summary of submissions:

Long-term Insights Briefing - Summary of consultation from 18 October to 14 November 2021

Consultation on the topic showed there is a range of views on the role of information and technology in supporting biodiversity goals.

The draft briefing

The draft briefing considers how the innovative use of information and emerging technologies could support Aotearoa New Zealand’s long-term vision for thriving biodiversity. The draft explores satellite imagery and remote sensing, artificial intelligence, and genetic technologies. It considers options to support the safe and effective use of emerging technologies that could help address biodiversity decline.

Download a one-page summary of the draft briefing:

By starting a nationwide conversation now, we can all understand and agree on the best ways to use these new tools. 

Your input will help

Your feedback will inform the development of our final Long-term Insights Briefing. 

We encourage you to explore the draft document and think about what the future for biodiversity could look like in Aotearoa New Zealand. 

LINZ and DOC thank you for taking the time to engage and look forward to considering your thoughts on the draft Long-term Insights Briefing.

Have your say

You can read the draft briefing and submit your feedback on the DOC website:

Have your say on how we innovate and shape the future for thriving biodiversity 

Public consultation on the draft briefing runs until Monday 16 January 2023.


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