Geodetic software

Our software is used to adjust geodetic networks and convert coordinate systems. This software is free, and runs on Windows.

Conditions of use

Downloading or using any of our geodetic software applications is taken to be acceptance of the conditions for geodetic downloads listed on the geodetic software and downloads page.


SNAP (Survey Network Adjustment Package) is a suite of software for adjusting the coordinates of stations in a survey network to best fit the observed data. CONCORD is part of the SNAP suite, and converts coordinates between New Zealand coordinate systems.  

Find out more about SNAP

New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000) Source Code

C language source code is provided for developers wishing to incorporate the conversion between latitude and longitude coordinates in terms of New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 (NZGD2000) and easting and northing coordinates in terms of New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000) into their software.


Last updated 22 February 2007

Related information:

LINZS25002 - Standard for New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 Projections
LINZG25702 - Projections fact sheet - a summary of the requirements of NZTM2000

New Zealand Map Grid (NZMG) Source Code

C language source code is provided for developers wishing to incorporate the conversion between latitude and longitude coordinates in terms of New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 (NZGD49) and easting and northing coordinates in terms of New Zealand Map Grid (NZMG) into their software.


Last updated 22 February 2007

NZGD2000 - NZGD1949 source code

This programme provides a conversion between New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 (NZGD2000) and New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 (NZGD1949) using the NTv2 ASCII distortion grid file. The source code is provided in the C programming language.

NZGD2000 - NZGD1949 Source Code (ZIP 14.31)

Last updated 4 February 2014

To incorporate this source code into custom software, you must use the two files from the zip folder (linzgrid.c and linzgrid.h) and the ASCII version of the distortion grid. More information can be found in the comments of the linzgrid.c file and the Horizontal distortion grid page.

Horizontal distortion grid


con_check is provided for geodetic contractors for quality assurance and validation of geodetic datasets.  

con-check (ZIP 5MB) 

Last updated 7 April 2022