Anyone with a Landonline login can create requests and send them to Toitū Te Whenua LINZ for processing.
TA request types
If you are a TA user, the request types available are:
- Amalgamation Consultation
- Amend Cadastral Data
- Request copy
- Survey Information
- Title Information
- Title Correction.
My requests and Firm requests
When you arrive on the Requests page it defaults to My requests. If you don’t have any requests you’ll see a message, “There are currently no requests to display”.
Create a new request
Select Create new request on the top right of the screen to create a new request.

A new screen opens with a drop-down menu. Choose the request type and select from the drop-down menu.
- Select Next to fill in the request details
- Select Back or the X in the top right corner to return to My requests.

See all firm requests
Select Firm requests to see all the draft, pending or complete requests created for the firm that you’re logged in under.