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Toitū Te Whenua - Land Information New Zealand
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Land records
Land records
Putunga kōrero whenua
Search for and view records online or view historical records that can't be digitised in person.
Land Record Search
Use our Land Record Search to search for and, for $6, buy land records. This includes records of titles (previously called certificates of title or computer registers), survey plans and other instruments.
What land records are for
Land records provide detailed legal information and a historical record of land ownership.
Types of land records
Find out which land records are available through Toitū Te Whenua.
Māori land records
Find out how Māori land records fit in the overall system, how to search for them, and resources and organisations that can help.
Forms of land records and where they are held
You can access land records in electronic or paper form.
View an original land record
How to view a land record in its original paper form.
Land record order fees
Find fees for land record orders outside the Landonline system, including ordering a copy of a title.
Other land record providers
Many organisations outside Toitū Te Whenua hold and issue different kinds of land information. There are also specialist agencies that help people search land records.
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