To access this function select the XML button in the Map Control Toolbar.

The Survey Data Extraction panel appears. The Selection mode is set to Area of interest (Polygon) by default.
Select the arrow in the Selection mode field to view the two other selection modes – Area of interest (Rectangle) and Add specific survey plans.
Area of interest (Polygon) mode
In this mode the mouse changes to show a pink pointer attached. You can use this pointer to create a polygon encompassing the area that contains the data you wish to extract.

Create the polygon by clicking the shape you want. As you click the shape a pink polygon appears on the screen.

Complete the polygon by double clicking the left mouse button. If the polygon has been successfully created the Survey data extraction panel expands to show:
- Extract type
- Extract Coordinate System
- Extract data button.

If during the creation of the polygon an error occurs the polygon shape turns red indicating an invalid polygon shape has been formed.

Move the mouse until the polygon shape turns pink again – indicating a valid polygon shape has been formed.
Clear selection
You can redraw the polygon by selecting the Clear selection icon (rubbish bin) beside the Area defined label. This removes the polygon from the screen in preparation for a new polygon to be created.

Area of interest (Rectangle) mode
In this mode the mouse changes to show a pink pointer attached.
Use this pointer to create a rectangle box encompassing the area that contains the data you wish to extract.

Create the rectangle box by clicking the mouse button and dragging the mouse until the box draws to the preferred size. Left-click the mouse button once to complete the creation of the rectangle.

Add specific survey plans mode
In this mode you can add up to 20 individual survey plans to a list and the data associated with these plans will be extracted.
Add survey plans to the list:
1.Select the survey plan references one at a time.
2.Select Add to survey data extraction in the pop-up information panel.

- Remove a survey from the list by selecting the grey Remove survey icon (rubbish bin) to the right of its name.
- Clear the whole list by selecting the red Clear selection icon to the right of the summary of survey plans.

Once the list is complete, select the remaining extract options as described below and select Extract data.
HINT: You can add surveys to the survey data extraction panel without having the panel open first.
Select the Add to survey data extraction icon in the pop-up information panel for any survey to begin a new data extraction task.
- The survey data extraction panel opens.
- The selection mode displays as Add specific survey plans and the selected survey displays in the list.

Extract type
Select All (Marks, vectors, parcels) to extract all the available survey data.
- Marks and parcels that are wholly within the polygon will be extracted.
- Vectors that are wholly within – or pass through – the polygon will be extracted.
Select Marks only to extract just the survey marks that are wholly within the defined polygon.

Extract Coordinate System
This is set to NZGD 2000 by default. It can be changed to any of the current NZGD 1949 or NZGD 2000 survey datums by clicking the arrow in this field

Extract Data Button
Once all the options have been chosen, select Extract data to begin the data extraction process.

Once the extraction is complete, the survey data will be available as a zipped XML file in the Downloads folder of your computer.