You can search for a parcel in Web Search by:
- Appellation / Legal description
- Parcel ID.

You can then:
- view the parcel details such as intent, area, or statutory actions
- locate the parcel on the map (for parcels defined spatially in Landonline)
- view and order related surveys
- view and order related titles.
Search parcel by Appellation / Legal description
Left-click on an option to select from the following appellation formats:
- General – simple (default option) or complex
- Māori
- Other.

The fields that display depend on the appellation format you select. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.
As you enter information into the search fields, the Constructed appellation will auto-fill at the bottom of the panel.
Once you have completed the minimum required information, the Search icon will change to blue. You can then left-click the icon to initiate the search and view the search results.

Search parcel by General appellation
Examples of the 2 types of General appellation format include:
Simple format:
- Lot 1 Deposited Plan 548049
- Section 1 Survey Office Plan 38114
- Unit 19 Deposited Plan 88808
- Part Section 199 Town of Wellington.
Complex format:
- Section 1 Block V Kaiteriteri SD
- Part Section 14 Block XV Invercargill Hundred.

The Plan / registration type and name fields are required fields:
- Choose the Plan / registration type from the dropdown list, for example Deposited Plan. The 5 most common plan types are listed at the top, then the remainder are listed alphabetically.
- Enter the Plan number or registration name, for example 548049.
The Plan/ registration type is searched as both a prefix and suffix.
Complete as many of the remaining fields as possible to get more refined search results:
- Tick HL for height-limited parcels.
- Tick Part if the appellation is part of a block, section, or lot. Leaving this unticked will search both part and whole appellations.
- Choose the Parcel type from the dropdown list, for example Lot. The 9 most common parcel types are listed in order of use, then the remainder are listed alphabetically.
- Enter the Parcel number, for example 1 or IV.
- Choose the Land district from the dropdown list, if known. These are listed geographically from North to South.
For Complex appellation types, toggle Complex inputs to On. This will give you options for a 2nd parcel type, number and block number if needed.

If using a Block number in Complex inputs, you do not need to enter a second parcel type.
Search parcel by Māori appellation
Examples of Māori appellation formats include:
- Rahui 1A1 Block
- Puketapu Block 3A2B Maori Land Plan 8169
- Waikawa Village Sec 1B2B1 Block
- Part Rangitoto Tuhua 35H2 Block.

Enter the name of the block into Name of Block field, for example Puketapu. This field is required.
Complete as many of the remaining fields as possible to get more refined search results:
- Tick Part if the appellation is part of a block. Leaving this unticked will search both part and whole appellations.
- Enter the Block number, for example 3C or E.
- Choose the Land district from the dropdown list, if known. These are listed geographically from North to South.
Only select a Plan / registration type from the dropdown list if known to be part of the appellation, for example Maori Land Plan. You can then also enter the Plan number or registration name.
The Plan/ registration type is searched as both a prefix and suffix.
You can use an asterisk for part block numbers where you are unsure of the format of the complete block number in Landonline. For example 3C* would give results for 3C6, 3C5A4, 3C 7B 2, 3C No 9B etc.

Search parcel by Other appellation
Examples of Other appellation formats include:
- Crown Land
- Stream bed
- Part Town Section 82 Westshore.

Enter the appellation exactly as it appears in Landonline into the Appellation field. This field is a free text field.
Tick Part if the appellation is part of a block, section, or lot. Leaving this unticked will search both part and whole appellations. Alternatively, you can enter Part into the Appellation field.
Choose the Land district from the dropdown list, if known. These are listed geographically from North to South.
You can use an asterisk as a wildcard to complete the appellation, for example Town Section 82*. Note that using a wildcard may cause the search to take longer, and return broad results.
Search results when searching by appellation
If you search a parcel by appellation and return more than one result, the search results show the following for each parcel:
- Parcel ID
- Appellation / Legal Description
- Parcel Status
- Land District
- whether the parcel has a legal description
- whether the parcel has a survey appellation
- Number of related titles.

a. Left-click the Parcel ID to view the Parcel details page for the selected parcel. This includes parcel details such as intent and area, related surveys, related titles, and statutory actions.
b. Select Locate spatial item to locate the parcel on the map, if it is spatially defined in Landonline.
c. Select Add to product list to add the parcel to your product list.
If your search returns only one result the Parcel details page will automatically display. The parcel will also be automatically located on the map if it is spatially defined in Landonline.
Refine search results when multiple parcels found
If your search returns multiple results, you can refine the search by clicking the Search inputs panel to re-open it.

Complete additional search fields to refine your search, then click the Search icon to view your results.
You can also use the Locate icon next to the parcel name in the search results to see it spatially on the map.

Not all parcels are spatially defined in Landonline. If you try to locate a parcel that is not spatially defined, a message will appear in the top right corner of the spatial screen advising This feature does not have a spatial item to display.

You can still view the Parcel details page for these parcels.
Search Parcel by Parcel ID
Enter the Parcel ID into the search field and either:
- select the blue dropdown when it appears
- press Enter on your keyboard.

The Parcel details page will display, and if the parcel is spatially defined in Landonline it will be located on the map in orange.

Some parcels are not spatially defined in Landonline, for example parcels from cross lease or unit plans.
The Parcel details page will display as normal, but the parcel will not be located on the map. A message will appear in the top right corner of the spatial screen advising This feature does not have a spatial item to display.

Searching historic parcels in Web Search
Historic parcels can be searched in Web Search by appellation or parcel ID.
The parcel will display on the map in orange, outlined with a dashed line, but you cannot select it spatially. You can view the Parcel details page and add the parcel to the product list as usual.

Parcel details page
The Parcel details page shows information relating to the selected parcel. You can:
- select the Locate spatial item icon to view the parcel on the map (if it is spatially defined in Landonline)
- select the Add to product list icon to add the selected parcel or related title to your product list.

Parcel Summary
The parcel summary shows:
- Appellation – the legal description of the parcel.
- Parcel Status – the current status of the parcel, for example Current or Historic.
- Intent – the purpose of the parcel, for example Fee Simple or Road.
- Associated Feature – geographic feature name related to the parcel, for example Seabed, or Avon River.
- Land District – land district in which the parcel is located.
- Non Surveyed Definition – title reference for residue or part appellation.
- Parcel Area – area of the parcel.
- Total Area – total area of the parcel. This applies when a parcel is made up of more than one polygon.

Any Related survey(s) are listed at the end of the summary. You can:
- left-click the Survey Number to view the survey summary page
- view the Survey Date of the survey
- select the Locate spatial item icon to view the survey reference on the map
- select the Add to product list icon to add the survey to your product list.

If there are any Related titles, they will be listed after the surveys. You can:
- select Add all to product list icon to add all listed titles to the product list
- left-click the Title Reference to view the title summary page
- view the Registered Owners, Title type, Status, and Legal Description of the title
- select the Add to product list icon next to a title to add it individually to your product list.

Statutory Actions
If the parcel has any Statutory Actions, the details will be listed underneath the Summary. The Act or Gazette details can be found here.
We only hold statutory action information if required to do so by legislation.
Example of Statutory Action by Gazette Notice:

Example of Statutory action by Act: