Decision Type
Stock limitation exemption
Published date

For this decision summary:

  • LINZ received the application before 17 November 2022
  • accordingly, the decision was made under the Crown Pastoral Land Act 1998 excluding the amendments taking effect on 17 November 2022.

Lease name

Mt Algidus



What the decision relates to

Carrying sheep and cattle

Duration of consent

Personal to Holder

Reasons for decision

The Commissioner of Crown Lands grants consent to an exemption to the stock limitation in the lease to allow the leaseholder to carry the following stock:

  • 5,690 sheep (including not more than 3,980 MA ewes)
  • 2,785 cattle (including no more than 1,300 breeding cows
  • Total 20,000 stock units (approximate and subject to condition 2 below).

It is considered that given the recent improvements and developments that have occurred, along with consented development at Jacks Fan and Boulderstone, Mt Algidus Station can support an increase in the number of stock that can be grazed on the land year round without having a detrimental effect on the land. The improvements should allow additional stock to be farmed on the Lease, without the need to increase the stocking pressure on the native parts of the property. By maintaining cattle numbers at current levels and preventing cattle from accessing the main wetlands, it is considered that adverse effects on inherent values can be avoided, remedied or mitigated.

Conditions of decision

Consent is granted for an exemption to the stock limitation, subject to the following conditions:

  1. The exemption being a combined stock limit over the leasehold and freehold while continuing to be farmed in conjunction with 705 hectares of adjoining freehold; and
  2. Until the Commissioner of Crown Lands consents to oversow and topdress Jacks Fan and Boulderstone are exercised, the total annual stock units carried on the property (leasehold and freehold) shall not exceed 19,000 stock units, with the annual stock units carried on the leasehold not to exceed 13,200 stock units. Once Jacks Fan and Boulderstone have been oversown and topdressed, the total annual number of stock units that may be carried shall increase to 20,000 and the stock units that may be carried on the leasehold shall increase to 14,500 stock units; and
  3. For condition 2. above, stock units shall be calculated using the following conversions:
    • breeding ewes at 1 stock unit per head,
    • other sheep at 0.7 stock units per head,
    • breeding cows at 6 stock units per head,
    • dry rising 2 year old cattle at 5 stock units per head,
    • rising 1 year old cattle at 4.0 stock units per head,
    • (calves not included until weaned).
  4. That wetland areas, including the area known as the ‘Hydra Waters’, are fenced and not grazed with cattle.
  5. Should any mobs of cattle be seen or reported within riverbeds, they are mustered out of these areas as soon as practicable.
  6. That improved pastures continue to be fully maintained with fertilizer.
  7. No cattle shall be grazed on the Jacks Fan East Block as identified in red on the map attached to this Notice of Decision. Please note that cattle can be actively mustered through this area.
  8. Following the completion of clearing and the construction of fencing that has been approved by the Commissioner on Jacks Fan, the number of cattle permitted in the western most block (identified as Jacks Fan West Block in this Notice of Decision), where the main matagouri shrubland is located, shall be limited to a number where the effects of cattle browse and rubbing are minimal. Should the Commissioner deem that the adverse effects from cattle browse and/or rubbing are significant and having too much of an adverse effect of the shrubland, then they shall require the Lessee to reduce the cattle numbers permitted to be grazed within this block.
  9. The Lessee shall keep records of the number, age, class and time that cattle spend on Jacks Fan East Block and Jacks Flat West Block as identified on the map attached to this Notice of Decision, and this information shall be made available to the Commissioner upon request.
  10. The Lessee shall keep a record of the type and amount of fertilizer applied to Jacks Flat East Block. This information shall be made available to the Commissioner upon request.
  11. Annually, the Lessee shall monitor nutrient levels, particularly nitrogen and phosphate levels, in the wetland east of the application area (Hydra Waters) and should monitoring determine that nutrient levels are increasing, the Commissioner may require that cattle numbers able to be grazed in Jacks Flat East Block be reduced. The monitoring data from the Hydra Waters shall be made available to the Commissioner upon request.
  12. That gorse and broom are actively controlled.
  13. That all fencing to be fully maintained to confine cattle when grazing on improved pastures or other fenced areas of the lease.
  14. The lessee must advise Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) if they observe any damage to waterways.
  15. Be aware that marginal strip and legal road may be present within the Operational Area. These are administered by the Department of Conservation and the Local Authority, respectively, and those lands are excluded from this Notice of Decision.

The Crown Pastoral Land Act 1998 provides that permission to undertake the activity may still be needed under other enactments.