Decision Type
Discretionary pastoral activity
Published date

For this decision summary:

  • LINZ received the application before 17 November 2022
  • accordingly, the decision was made under the Crown Pastoral Land Act 1998 excluding the amendments taking effect on 17 November 2022.


Granted in part

What the decision relates to


Duration of consent

5 years

Reasons for decision

For the part of the consent that was granted it was considered that there are significant farming benefits to the proposed tracks in the areas recommended for approval.   Appropriate conditions can be applied to avoid, remedy, reduce or mitigate any adverse effects on the land on the approved locations. We consider that the proposed tracks will make it easier to farm, improve health and safety and will help management to more effectively manage stock movement through these areas and the lease in general.  Most of the areas where the tracks are proposed have been modified through oversowing and topdressing and there should be minimal effect on the landscape.

For the part of the consent that was declined it was considered  that for the area recommended for decline, the inherent values in this location are significant and that any conditions will not adequately avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects on these values. The specific inherent values include:

  • Areas of dense red tussock land, diverse older shrubland, and shrub/red tussock land which will have associated characteristic native plant and animal species that are representative of the Taringatura Ecological District.
  • The shrub Melicytus flexuous (status – nationally vulnerable). It may also have the local endemic woollyhead (Craspedia sp. Takitimu).
  • The area provides habitat for native lizards, invertebrates and birds (e.g. pipit).
  • The area contains ecological diversity and patterning, highly representative of The Taringatura Ecological District (especially in association with the adjacent areas).
  • The application area is within the Leithen Burn RAP (i.e. RAP6A - Wairaki Red Tussock) in the Taringatura Ecological District survey report. The area retains the ecological values that had previously been identified. Further, the significance of the site has increased due to ongoing habitat loss and modification within the Taringatura Ecological District and the wider Southland area.
  • The area retains landscape values being within an extensive area of high ecological character.

The tracking could impact the ecosystems, ecological sequences and landscapes of the area in general. The Commissioner of Crown Lands therefore considers that this application area should be declined.

Conditions of decision

Consent is granted in part for tracking, subject to the following conditions:

  1. That track formation is limited to the areas, or as close as practicable to the areas, as indicated on the map attached to the Notice of Decision.
  2. All tracks shall be constructed in accordance with best practice protocols.
  3. The track width shall not exceed 4 metres.
  4. That soil disturbance is kept to the minimum necessary for the track formation and that appropriate machinery is employed on the task to achieve this. Particular care shall be exercised around waterways to reduce sedimentation.
  5. That any disturbed ground has seed and fertiliser applied as soon as practical following the completion of works. Seeds that are to be sown should be in keeping with the surrounding areas. 
  6. Where possible, all track construction is to avoid areas of wetlands, dense red tussock land and dense, diverse shrubland and forest. 
  7. The alignment of the tracks shall minimise the slope and requirement for batters and cut and fill. Any cuts and fill shall be battered to ensure stability and shaped so they blend into the surroundings and are suitable for re-vegetation.
  8. That any culverts, if required, are placed in suitable locations to divert water from the tracks and reduce erosion.
  9. That all machinery intended to be used for forming or maintaining the tracks is cleaned of plant material and soil prior to entering Beaumont Station to avoid weed contamination.
  10. Weed control will be undertaken along disturbed areas to prevent weed establishment.
  11. That all contractors and employees of Beaumont (Southland) Station engaged in the track construction are informed of the conditions of this consent prior to works starting.

The Crown Pastoral Land Act 1998 provides that permission to undertake the activity may still be needed under other enactments.