• Valuation rules, guidelines and publications

    Find publications and regulatory documents from the Valuer-General and the Valuers Registration Board.
    • Property valuation
  • Rating valuations rules review

    The Valuer-General (VG) and Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) plan to update rating valuations rules (RVR) to support a nationally consistent, impartial, independent, and equitable rating valuation system and ensure it remains current in…
    • Property valuation
  • The rating valuation of Māori Freehold Land guidance review (the Mangatu adjustments)

    In 2000, the Valuer-General (VG) issued the first Māori Freehold Land (MFL) guidelines on the rating valuation of these lands, following a Court of Appeal decision known as the Mangatu case.
    • Property valuation
  • Property valuation in New Zealand

    Find out about valuers and property valuations in New Zealand.
    • Property valuation
  • Valuers Registration Board

    The current members of the Board, what to do if you have a complaint about a valuer, and how to apply for registration as a valuer.
    • Property valuation
  • Audits of rating valuations

    Find out about the audits of the property rating valuations made by local councils. The audits are used for revaluation, roll maintenance, objections, and process and controls.
    • Property valuation