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Land registration
Land registration guide
Unit titles
Unit titles
Information about unit titles, including their creation, redevelopment, and cancellation.
In this section
I roto i tēnei wāhanga
Information for owners and prospective buyers of unit title properties
Changes to the Unit Titles Act included new provisions that came into effect as of 9 May 2023. MBIE have created new resources to support key stakeholders and potential buyers with the information needed to understand their rights, responsibilities, and obligations under the Act.
Applications to cancel a unit plan
Applications to cancel a unit plan under ss 177 and 187 Unit Titles Act 2010 can be submitted via e-dealing under the instrument code CUTP.
Memorials added to Supplementary Record Sheets issued under the Unit Titles Act 1972
Under section 54 of the Unit Titles Act 2010 (the 2010 Act) the body corporate is the owner of and the unit owners are beneficially entitled to the common property.
Notice of application for destruction or damage scheme under section 48 of the Unit Titles Act 1972
An application made to the High Court under section 48(1) of the Unit Titles Act 1972 for an Order to settle a scheme requires a notice of the application to be served on the Registrar-General of Land (RGL).
Unit Title subdivisions
Information and links to online resources for the registration requirements for unit title subdivisions and other dealings under the Unit Titles Act 2010.
Mortgages and Redevelopments
What constitutes a redevelopment under the Unit Titles Act 2010 (the Act) is set out in section 8 of the Act.
Unit titles notification – Valuer’s certificates
Important facts about valuer's certificates.
Practitioners' certification requirements
Land registration guide
Adverse possession
Authority and identity
Changing or correcting names
Land covenants
Māori Land
Powers of Attorney
Racing Industry Act 2020
Settling when Landonline is unavailable
Tax statements
Trusts Act 2019
Unit titles
Information for owners and prospective buyers of unit title properties
Applications to cancel a unit plan
Memorials added to Supplementary Record Sheets issued under the Unit Titles Act 1972
Notice of application for destruction or damage scheme under section 48 of the Unit Titles Act 1972
Unit Title subdivisions
Mortgages and Redevelopments
Unit titles notification – Valuer’s certificates
Water boundary changes
Standards, directives and guidelines
Other registration services
Information for landowners
Land registration forms
Land registration glossary
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