View and order property records

Use the Title summary, Instrument information, or Survey information screens to select property records to purchase.


  • The Product list feature in New Landonline (not available on mobile view) enables you to view and order multiple products quickly and efficiently.
    • You can create lists of the products you want to order, then save, edit or delete these lists (in the Product list panel).
    • You can continue to search for other products as you build up your product list.
  • When using the product list, anything you add to the product list will go into one of your lists or your Notepad.
    • When a list is currently active, you will see the name of your list at the top of the Product list panel.
    • If you don’t have a list currently active, you will see ‘No active list’.
  • Product lists can display as ‘Active list’ or ‘No active list’.
    • Active list refers to when you are using the Notepad and/or a saved list. These can be closed, and you will see ‘No active list’ in the header of the product list panel.
    • When adding an item to the product list, if you don’t have an active list, you will be prompted to select what list you would like to add these items to. See Add items to product list.
    • If you have an active list open, items will automatically be added to that specific list.
  • You can start a new list or save a copy of your current one. For example, if you’re ordering items for a specific client, you may want to create a new list and give that list a name that relates to the client. Lists also store a client reference, allowing you to easily swap what you’re working on and ensure the orders are being assigned correctly.
  • If you work for more than one firm, any product lists you create will be available across all firms you work for.
    • Note, if you update the client reference while working under one firm, and then switch to another firm, the updated client reference will come across.

The following help content is based on a Title search result, as this is the most common search. The same approach applies to Survey and Instrument information.