Resources to help registered Landonline customers process a dealing or legal transaction affecting a parcel of land.

New Landonline - Dealings currently supports the preparation of Transfer and Mortgage instruments together with most discharge and withdrawal instruments. Additional instruments, features and improvements will continue to be added.

The New Landonline and Legacy Landonline systems are fully compatible, meaning you can process the same dealing in either system. Instruments and functionality not yet developed for New Landonline will continue to be completed in Legacy Landonline. You can still open a dealing with unsupported instruments, but you cannot add or edit the instruments. 

The screenshots in this support site may not be the latest version but this does not change the functionality or steps you need to take. 

Part 6: E-dealing guidelines in the PLS Guidelines (New Zealand Law Society) sets out guidelines on nominating a Primary Contact and a Conveyancing Professional, and the obligations of these roles. 

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