Published date
Overseas investment
  • Summer holiday dates
  • New webforms and exemption application forms
  • Recent decision summaries

Kia ora koutou, and welcome to our final Pānui for 2024.

It’s been a busy year, and I’m proud of the significant progress the overseas investment team has made to improve processes and timeframes.

At the start of the year we introduced new ways of working for low risk and straightforward applications, which has helped speed up assessments and decision-making. The team have also worked hard to successfully implement new ministerial delegation and directive letters issued this year.

The overseas investment team has completed 203 consent decisions since July - with every decision meeting its statutory assessment timeframe, and 96% decided in half of that timeframe. We have also completed a major refresh of our consent application forms which has made processes simpler and clearer for investors – see below for details of the latest changes.

Finally, the team continues to support The Treasury as the Overseas Investment (Build-to-rent and Similar Rental Developments) Amendment Bill makes its way through Parliament, and broader policy development on overseas investment reforms continues.

And now it is time for the team to take a break! You will find details of our office closure below.

On behalf of the overseas investment team, I hope you also have a relaxing and enjoyable holiday break.

Ngā mihi  

Rebecca McAtamney

Head of Regulatory Practice and Delivery
Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand

Summer holiday dates

Our office will close from 5pm, Tuesday 24 December and reopen again on Friday 3 January 2025. Overseas investment team services will be unavailable during that time.

We will have team members back on deck from 3 January, and expect to be at full capacity from Monday 13 January.

A reminder, the New Zealand government shutdown period means that assessment days under the Overseas Investment Act stop between 25 December and 15 January.

New webforms and exemption application forms

We have updated our webforms for variation applications, exemption applications, and condition reporting.

The updates include three new application forms for exemption applications which can be downloaded and prepared prior to filling in the webform. The more complex questions about the criteria for an exemption have been moved into the application form. There are fewer questions to answer in both the exemption webform and application form, and we have reduced the number of supporting documents you need to file. These changes will make the process for applying for an exemption more efficient, allowing us to assess your applications faster.

The webforms for variations, exemptions and condition reporting have also been streamlined to only request the core information we need. The condition reporting webform is now tailored to the consent type so you can easily provide the relevant information about your consent.

Please ensure you use the latest versions of our forms when preparing your application. The new webforms are available from today, 19 December. You can contact us at if you have any questions about the changes.

Recent decision summaries   

Decision summaries are published the month after a decision is made. The latest decision summaries are listed here, including standing consent notifications. 

Benefit to New Zealand

202400621 - Mike and Shirley Endean Marsden Charitable Trust, Marsden Winery Limited and Marsden Winery Restaurant Limited
202400600 - Connexa Limited

Farm land benefit test and Sensitive Business Assets

202400405 - Accolade Wines New Zealand Limited

Significant business assets only

202400748 - Challenger NZ HoldCo1 Limited
202400654 - Elgas Limited

Special forestry

202400581 - Trelinnoe Forest LP
202400636 - Ponga Silva Limited
202400663 - Ponga Silva Limited
202400665 - Ingka Investments Forest Assets NZ Limited and Ingka Investments Management NZ Limited
202400679 - NZ Forestry Partnership LP
202400655 - Nuhaka River Rock Ltd

Residential land development

202400691 - Ventia NZ Operations Limited
202400561 - Ho Ng

Fishing quota

202400081 - Westfleet Seafoods Limited

Exemption – Large apartment development

202400563 - LCO York Limited
202400596 - Fletcher Residential Limited
202400713 - MRCB Aotea Central Limited
202400752 - T35 Trust Company Limited

Exemption – Discretionary

202400658 - Helene Moux and Catherine Koan, Louise Chanseau, Kam Tong Lee and Denise Lee, Kam Lan Liau

Exemption - Farm land advertising

202400547 - Concord Green Power Limited, Naseby Project Limited and Tatuanui Solar Farm Limited
202400607 - ATC Asia Pacific Pte. Limited

Exemption – Non-New Zealand government investor

202400646 - Stafford Carbon Offset Opportunity Fund (Pooling) SCSp

Getting in touch

As always, we recommend contacting us before applying to reduce delays in the assessment and decision process. 

Contact us

For media enquiries please contact the Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand Communications team.

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