Nobilo Wine Group Limited
Case number(s)
Decision date
Decision number200520057
Application number200520044
Date20 September 2005
Offeror/applicantNobilo Wine Group Limited
Ultimate applicant beneficial ownership100 percent - United States of America, Constellation International Holdings Limited
Beneficial overseas ownership 
- Asset current0 percent
- Asset proposed100 percent
- Share currentN/A
- Share proposedN/A
Offeree(s)/seller(s)Block 3 Limited and Wainui Farm Vineyard Limited
60 percent - New Zealand, Evans (David Maxwell)
20 percent - New Zealand, Feickert (Barry and Dianne)
20 percent - New Zealand, McOnie (Colin Wayne and Yvonne)
Business activitiesAgriculture - Horticulture & Fruit - Viticulture
Details of land involved26.441 hectares of freehold situated at Redwood Pass Road, Awatere Valley, Marlborough being CTs 159815 and 159816 (Marlborough Registry).
Regions involvedNelson/Marlborough
Total consideration$3,375,000
Consent Sought - 1995 RegsTo acquire an estate or interest in land which together with any associated land exceeds five hectares in area.

The application has been approved as it met the criteria.

The Overseas Investment Office is satisfied that the applicant has significant business experience and acumen relevant to and is demonstrating financial commitment towards the investment. The Overseas Investment Office is further satisfied that the persons who exercise control over the applicant are of good character and not the kind of persons referred to in section 7(1) of the Immigration Act 1987.

The Applicant (Nobilo) proposes to acquire the subject property which has been developed as a Sauvignon Blanc vineyard by the vendors. The land contains 22.9 hectares planted in Sauvignon Blanc vines during 2003 and 2004. The land adjoins land that is leased by Nobilo, and the acquisition is part of Nobilo's expansion strategy. The proposed acquisition will augment Nobilo's grape supply ensuring a long-term supply of grapes required to meet export demand.

The proposal is likely to result in the following benefits:

  1. the creation of new job opportunities;
  2. the introduction of additional investment for development purposes;
  3. increased efficiencies to Nobilo's viticultural business; and
  4. increased processing of primary products.
ContactRobert Parker/Justine Tuite
Chapman Tripp
P O Box 2206