Kōwhai Park P Limited Partnership
Case number(s)
Decision date
DecisionConsent Granted
Section 12(1)(a) and Section 13(1)(b) Overseas Investment Act 2005
Decision makerThe Minister for Land Information and the Minister of Finance
Decision date23 January 2024 
Pathway(s)Sensitive land – Benefit test 
Significant Business Assets
InvestmentEstablish a business and acquire a leasehold interest in approximately 295 hectares of land adjacent to Christchurch International Airport
Cost of Commencing BusinessWithheld under s9(2)(b)(ii)
ApplicantKōwhai Park P Limited Partnership
United Kingdom (33%)
New Zealand (36%)
United States of America (15%)
Australia (4%)
Various (11%)
VendorChristchurch International Airport Limited
New Zealand (100%)

The Applicant intends to develop a 170MWp solar farm on the land, consisting of approximately 290,000 solar panels. This development is projected to be the second largest solar farm in New Zealand. 

The Applicant is ultimately owned by Contact Energy Limited and Lightsource BP Renewable Energy Investments Limited in equal parts. 

The land is currently used for pastoral grazing. 

The main benefits to New Zealand are likely to include capital expenditure, job creation, and advancement of government policy by supporting renewable energy generation objectives. 

Consent was granted as the Applicant met the investor test criterion and the benefits likely to occur as a result of the investment will result in a benefit to New Zealand.

More informationHannah Lee
Buddle Findlay (Wellington)
PO Box 2694
Wellington 6140
Last updated

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