Summary of updated fees and charges
On 3 February 2025:
- fees for title and survey plan searches rose from $6 to $8 for each search
- most common titles transactions rose from $90 to $122
- most common survey transactions rose from $850 to $1,130.
Fees and charges are all GST inclusive.
Implementation of new fees
For title dealings, survey plans, and requests: If these are lodged on or after 3 February 2025 (implementation date) the new 2025 fees will apply. If they are lodged prior to this date, then the 2024 fees will apply.
Additional information
For requisitioned or rejected dealings: Fees will be applied according to their initial lodgement date. Unless fees are forfeited as set out in the notice received.
For post registration searches: Fees are applied when the dealing is registered, either prior or post implementation date.
Survey plans
There is no transition process in place this time.
- A survey is submitted prior to 3 February (fees are applied at submission), and
- the plan is requisitioned on or before 3 February, then
- the surveyor changes the Parcel count or the Dataset purpose or type and resubmits after 3 February.
In this example the fees originally invoiced on the first submission are credited and the new fees will apply for the whole dataset.
Landonline does not recalculate the fees, it credits all old fees and applies the new fees to everything.
It is the Dataset purpose that changes the fees, so if a Plan purpose is changed from LT subdivision to Easement, then all the fees will recalculate. Any change in the parcel count (number of parcels) will trigger a recalculation in the new fees.
This is shown below: