Discrepancy in Names

A reminder in regards to discrepancies in names

If there is a difference between the name on the register and the proof of identity documentation used, additional documentation must be obtained, such as an official certificate evidencing a name change, or a statutory declaration by the interested party, as evidence the party named on the record of title and the photographic ID is one and the same person. 

If there is a difference in the name between the register and a Death Certificate, this should be reconciled in the statutory declaration that supports the application for Transmission. Similarly, if there is a difference between the applicant’s name on the Register and their Proof of Identity, this too should be reconciled in the applicant’s statutory declaration.

For more information, refer to section 4.4 of the Authority and Identity Requirements for E-Dealing Guideline 2018 - LINZG20775.

LINZG20775 Authority and Identity Requirements for E-Dealing Guideline 2018