Client references are optional. However:
- Landonline will record this reference on related notices, post-registration searches and the Toitū Te Whenua invoice to assist your client billing.
- references can help you quickly locate a dealing from your Landing page.
Client references can only be edited on the Instruments & Roles page and are only available for instruments developed in New Landonline.
1: Enter client references.
Enter details in the Client references field in the Edit reference info pop-up box.
You can record 2 client references, such as the client matter numbers.
Client references can be alpha-numeric, but can’t exceed 30 characters and can’t contain ‘. “, or | characters.
Each firm associated with a dealing can enter their own client references. When a party logs on, they will only see the client references for their firm.

2: Enter the Settlement date.
Click into the Settlement date field to add a date. A calendar will appear.

Use the arrows to navigate between months. Click on the correct date.
Or, you can type into the field using the date format DD/MM/YYYY.
Click on the X in the Settlement date field to remove the date.
3: Update the details.
Select Update to confirm the details if entering the client reference details and the settlement date before the dealing has been saved for the first time.
Client reference details and the settlement date will appear in the top right of the page.

Edit client reference and settlement date
To edit client reference and settlement date details, select the pencil icon at the top right of the light-blue header. You can do this on any page of the dealing.
Once you've finished editing select Save to confirm the changes. You don't need to also save the dealing.