When to use instrument mode
Use Instrument mode to prepare a Notice of Claim for a:
- lease
- mortgage
- other interest instrument.
You can’t use Instrument mode to prepare the Notice of Claim if a Leasehold Title or Composite Title has been created for a lease. Instead use Title mode.
1: Navigate to the Prepare Notice of Claim page.
You access the Prepare Notice of Claim page from the Instruments & Roles page.
To open the page, choose 1 of the following:
- Select the Notice of Claim hyperlink when the instrument details are collapsed.
- Select the Prepare button when the Notice of Claim instrument details are displayed.
- Select the 3-dot menu, to the right of the Notice of Claim instrument. Then select Prepare instrument from the 3-dot menu.

2: Select Title mode or Instrument mode.
By default, Title mode is selected for a Notice of Claim instrument. Choose the right mode for the Notice of Claim.
Use Title mode to prepare a Notice of Claim for a registered owner over all the affected titles.
Use Instrument mode to prepare a Notice of Claim in respect of a lease, mortgage, encumbrance or other registered interest.

3: Enter the Claimant’s name.
Use the Given names(s) and Family Name fields to enter the name of the Claimant.
A Claimant cannot be a corporate.

4: Select the Interest holders affected by the Notice of Claim.
All mortgages and encumbrances will automatically display in the Interest holder(s) section.
Select the interest holder who is the spouse, civil union, de facto partner or related party affected by the Notice of Claim.

Manually enter Instrument number
You will need to manually enter the instrument information for instruments that don’t automatically display, such as a lease.
Check the Manually enter Instrument number checkbox.
Enter the Instrument number affected by the Notice of Claim.
Enter the name of the relevant Interest holder, being the spouse, civil union, de facto partner or related party affected by the Notice of Claim.
Note: You'll need to re-enter the Claimant's name if you select the Manually enter Instrument number checkbox.

Change due to pending dealing
Use the Change due to pending dealing toggle under the Interest holder(s) section to edit the current interest holder details or to deal with protected (hidden) titles. For example, use when an instrument in a prior dealing is updating who the interest holders will be.
To reorder the interest holders, select the 6-grid icon to the left of an interest holder and drag and drop them above or below another interest holder.

Revert / update
Use the Revert/Update button above the Interest holder(s) section to reset the interest holder names to reflect the Register and any prior instruments in the dealing. For example, if the name has been edited using Change due to pending dealing it will revert to what is recorded on the Register.
Another example is if a prior instrument has been added to your dealing which changes the interest holder. Using Revert/Update will pull through the updated names.

5: Describe the connection of the claimant, if needed.
Skip this step and go to Step 6 if there is a direct relationship with the affected interest holder.
Where relevant, such as when dealing with a related corporate, you will need to explain the link between the interest holder and the spouse or partner of the Claimant. To do this select the checkbox Claimant is not in a direct relationship with the selected interest holder(s) and add details in the Describe the connection of claimant with selected interest holder(s) text box.

6: Select the relationship type and enter the supporting information.
By default, Marriage is selected as the relationship type. You will also need to enter the Date of Marriage and the Location of the marriage, if this is the correct type.
Select another relationship type as appropriate. If you select:
- Civil Union enter the Date of civil union and the Location of the civil union.
- De facto relationship enter the Duration of the relationship.

7: Enter the Address for Service of Claimant.
Select the delivery method: Email, Post or Fax. By default, Email is selected.
The Address fields will update depending on the delivery method.
Enter all address information. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk.

8: Enter the Address of the Spouse, Civil Union or De Facto Partner.
Select the delivery method: Email, Post or Fax. By default, Email is selected.
The Address fields will update depending on the delivery method.
If available, enter the address for the spouse, civil union or de facto partner.

9: Upload an attachment to support the Notice of Claim, if needed.
Skip this step and go to Step 10 if you’re not uploading supporting documents.
Use the Attach image field to add PDFs. You can:
- drag and drop a PDF into the Attach image field, or
- select browse and upload a PDF from your files.
Each file must be under 45 MB in size and all attachments combined must not exceed 45 MB. You won’t be able to save the Prepare instrument page if any or all attachments exceed 45 MB.
Delete one or more attachments until the combined size is 45 MB or less.
You can view the attached PDF:
- by clicking on the PDF, or
- selecting the Preview Instrument button to view the compiled instruments and attachments.

10: Check the Summary to review the instrument details.
The Summary tab will automatically update and display a read-only summary of some key details entered in the left-hand side of the page.
Use the Preview Instrument button to view, print or download the full instrument preview, including any certifications and signatures.

11: Save the instrument details.
Select Save to save information and remain on the Notice of Claim page.
Select Save & back to save the information and return to the Instrument & Roles page.