Disclaimers on Instruments or multi-results

When Instruments with Titles, or multi-results with Titles have been identified as potentially being Māori Freehold Land, and a link to Māori Land Online is provided, this disclaimer will be used.


Some results have been identified by LINZ as potentially being Māori Freehold Land. If you believe any of these are listed incorrectly, please contact us.

Instrument with Titles

Screenshot of instrument with titles Maori freehold land disclaimer

Multi-results with Titles

Screenshot of multi results Māori freehold land disclaimer

What to do

MLC reference link, showing ML in a black circle, and a hyperlink saying 'ML Ref'

When you see the disclaimer in a banner, and there is a link at the end of the Title row, below the banner, you can click this link, and it will open up a new browser tab showing the potentially related block ID in Māori Land Online. You may need to scroll across the page/widen the Search results panel to see the link.


When there are multiple results, a disclaimer will only appear on the page where there is a result with a potential Māori Freehold Land link identified.

More information

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