Try the prototype
Step 1: Download sample survey plans
Step 2: Access the viewer
Step 3: Open the sample survey plans in the viewer
After downloading the survey plan ZIP file to your computer you can drag-and-drop it into the viewer.
Step 4. View the user guides to learn more
User guides provide more information on:
- creating a package in New Landonline
- opening a package in the viewer
- the display and toolbar options in the viewer.
You do not need a Landonline login to use this tool.
Key features
The prototype enables you to:
- download and store/share the CSD/Title components with anyone via email (it's just a ZIP file)
- view and interact with all data in the CSD
- view all supporting documents associated with the CSD
- print an output of structured data in the survey
- print an output of the spatial window from the survey.
Surveyor-specific features
Surveyors are able to generate a CSD package for a draft survey and share, for example with a solicitor, colleague or territorial authority. However the plans generated by the surveyors under the current Landonline process will continue to be the legal survey plans until digitally visualised plans are legally enabled through the Cadastral Survey Rules.
We encourage you to test this out in real-world scenarios to understand where it might or might not work for you.
The prototype:
- does not have a full range of features
- does not contain all the data in the CSD
- will not become part of the official cadastral record
- only works for draft or in-flight survey plans.
User-added text on plan generation images will not display in the viewer. Examples of user-added text that would not display are:
- parcel annotations like Subject to Part 4A of the Conservation Act, parcel widths, or vesting notes
- line information such as water boundary/irregular boundary annotations
- point/mark information such as mark descriptions.
Your feedback
At this stage we're mainly interested in feedback on the proposal but you can also send us your thoughts on the prototype through your professional organisation or as an individual by emailing
Development of the prototype has paused, while we get feedback on the proposal, and will resume in 2025.