Application fee
There is an application fee and in some cases fees for using the land or property.
After you've submitted your application we'll do a pre-assessment check.
If your application progresses, we'll charge the fee.
The assessment will be put on hold until we've received payment.
Land and property use fees
The amount of fees for land and property use will depend on the:
- activity you want to do
- land or property you want to do it on
- related legislation.
We will assess what fees you'll need to pay based on the above and get in touch to discuss.
Processing timeframes
Processing timeframes will vary depending on the type of consultation and assessment needed.
Once we've done a pre-assessment for your application we'll get in touch to provide a clearer indication of timeframes.
Our current response time is around 10 working days.
We will keep you updated on expected timeframes throughout the application process.
More information
See also: