The Māori Land Court (MLC) holds the majority of Māori land records. If you are searching for specific Māori land records, we recommend you start there.
Find out more about the MLC and other organisations who may be able to help.
Need help searching for a Māori land record?
If you need some guidance, read our tips and find answers to commonly-asked questions about searching for Māori land records.
There are also a wide range of online and offline resources you can use.
Not sure if what you're looking for is a Māori land record?
What is Māori land? Find out the legal definition of Māori land and how Māori freehold land came into being.
Ordering a record
We can provide you with copies of those records that are registered with LINZ, once you have the information needed to make an order. Find out more about ordering a land record.