Known LandXML error/issues
March 2024
Unit Title plan XML import
Users have reported an issue in New and Legacy Landonline when importing a XML file for:
- Standard Unit Plans with/without a Survey Sheet
- Proposed Unit Development with/without a Survey Sheet,
They do not display a unique parcel identifier for created parcels.
Until this is fixed you will need to manually edit each parcel appellation to add the unique parcel identifier.
Water and Irregular boundary XML import issue
Some users have reported an issue when importing XML files created in Liscad that have water or irregular boundaries.
If you are having difficulties importing your file, please call customer support on 0800 665 463 or email
Spatial Displacement when working in the Chatham Islands
March 2024
When capturing a Survey in the Chatham Islands and working at maximum zoom level there appears to be a displacement of data between a linked survey mark and the underlying mark to which is linked. The coordinates stored in the database for the linked mark and the underlying mark are exactly the same, and the displacement is purely visual.

Mandatory missed marks reporting to be adopted instead of accepted when linking parcels
March 2024
Mandatory missed marks associated with abuttals that have irregular lines are incorrectly being detected for adoption rather than adding as system added marks.
Below is an example whereby one mark is indicated to be adopted. This mark should be a mandatory missed mark as there are more than 2 lines associated to the mark:

If you receive the above message in this situation, do the following:
Select the Ignore button on this message:
Select the Ignore anyway button in the next warning message that appears.
Hit the Esc key on your keyboard when the following message appears:
This process will cancel the Parcel linking and mandatory missed marks process.
- Call customer support on 0800 665 463, have a case raised and assigned to the Landonline Application Specialist team, who can (if enabled) rectify the issue on your behalf.
- Please stay out of the job until you hear back from the Landonline Application Specialist team.
Free text in the Schedule Memorandum not displaying correctly
March 2024
When recording purposes in the Schedule Memorandum, the ‘Other’ free text box is not displaying exactly what has been typed.
- Text is not wrapped as a continuous line string.
- Entered text appears on individual rows and possibly out of order.
The below example shows how the free text entered under ‘Other’ purpose is currently displayed.
Purpose entered as free text: ‘Right to install, Read and Maintain Water Meters’.
When you tab out of the free text field the Purpose field is populated like this:

To ensure free text entered in the ‘Other’ field appears as expected, please ensure you add a space then a comma after each purpose.
For example: ‘Right to install ,Read and Maintain Water Meters’
There is no space after the comma and before the word ‘Read’. This is critical.
When you tab out of the free text field the Purpose field will populate like this:

Inactive user associated to plan not showing
February 2024
Currently inactive users are not being shown in the enabled users’ panel, this is causing issues for firms that are wanting to remove users.
Please call customer support on 0800 665 463, provide a list of plans that the inactive user is associated to, have a case raised and assigned to the Landonline Application Specialist team who will remove them on your firm’s behalf.
Survey report content cleared when running pre-validation to convert RCS 2010 CSD to CSR 2021
November 2023
All datasets captured before 25 February 2022 that have not been lodged will need to be converted into CSR 2021, which will change the survey report from CRS 2010 to CSR 2021. This action will clear all of the current survey report content.
To ensure you do not lose any of your work, please copy and save the current Survey report content into a document to retain.
Call customer support on 0800 665 463 or email
Y027 rule preventing submission - Automated Schedule/Memorandum
November 2023
If the Y027 rule does not pass at pre-validation, even after updates are undertaken to bring in amended parcels from capture etc., look out for the presence of ‘Common Property’ under the Burdened Land (Servient Tenement) field.

Until this is fixed you will need to save your automated Schedule/Memorandum to your computer by using the Download as PDF function and then attach it as a manual Supporting Document. Delete the automated version attached (don't replace it), then re-run pre-validation.
Multiple edit of mark type not updating all at once
November 2023
When multiple marks are selected, changing the mark type (such as from unmarked to disk) will not update all selected marks at once. It only updates a single mark.
Until this issue is fixed, you will need to update the mark types individually.
Renaming of TA Certification package
November 2023
An issue occurs when a TA certification package is renamed, when a user attempts to create an additional package, the below error appears.

As you cannot update the TA certification package name in New Landonline the workaround is:
- ask the TA certifier to change the certification package name back to the original
- ask the TA certifier to create a package in Legacy on their behalf
- call customer support on 0800 665 463 or email
Reverse tick box carried through from Legacy
November 2023
If your Survey was created in Legacy Landonline and a ‘reverse’ tick box had been selected on a vector, when you add a new vector in New Landonline it will retain the reversed direction for any subsequent vectors copied from a row where the reverse selection was applied.
As the reverse tick box is not an option in New Landonline the work-around is:
- if you know which vector was set up as reversed in Legacy Landonline, you can delete it and manually re-capture it in New Landonline.
- call customer support on 0800 665 463 or email
Placeholders disappearing on large Surveys
October 2023
Some users have reported experiencing placeholders disappearing when being used on their survey in New and Legacy Landonline.
While we are investigating this issue as a workaround, please raise an exception request to get the Landonline data moved.
Multiple selection tool unable to complete requested action on large number of features
September 2023
When bulk selecting marks, lines, vectors and parcels to be deleted, unlinked or adopted at one time, you only have the ability to select and action up to around 400 features at once.
There is currently a 45 second connection timeout, which then presents an error.

If you encounter an error when updating or deleting a large number of features, a workaround is to refresh your browser or exit the survey and open it again. If the features that were selected have not updated as expected, select a smaller group, and try again.