View Parcel Action in Web Search
If you are unable to see the parcel action from the appellation field, it may be due to the default column size, which can hide this information.

To resolve this, try adjusting the summary panel size to reveal the full parcel appellation.

We are currently working on resizing the field to improve the display for better visibility.
CSV Fee Report incompatibility with Other Software
The way the rows are sorted in web search differ from legacy which may cause errors when attempting to import it into external applications. To resolve, the rows must be sorted in ascending (alphabetical) order using the Client Reference column.
We hope to address this issue in the future but in the meantime instructions to do this using Excel are as follows:
- Download the CSV file from Web Search and open it in Microsoft Excel
- Go to the Data tab on the Ribbon and then click on Sort. This will open the Sort dialog box.
- In the Sort dialog box:
- Choose CLIENTREF from the Sort by dropdown.
- Select A to Z from the Order dropdown.
- Click OK to apply the change.
Your data should now be sorted by the CLIENTREF column. You may now import this into your external application.
Search filters not displayed on single search result

This issue affects all search modes that have filters:
- Title - Registered Owner
- Title - Legal Description
- Title - Parcel ID
When you are on any single search result and swapping to the above search methods, the filters are not displayed.
If a search returns to multiple title results
You can change the filters

If a search returns to only one result
You are not able to change the filters as the filters are not displayed. Note: You are not able to get the filters back by swapping to the other search methods.

The way to get the filters back is by returning to the search home page.
You can:
return to search home page by clicking the LINZ logo
or return to the search app by using the App Switcher
- or log out and back to Landonline.
Download option not working for product viewed on screen
May 2023
If you choose to view a document in Web search using the Open in new window icon,

it will display the document as expected.

But if you then attempt to download what is being viewed using the Download icon from within the View screen,

the file will fail to download and you will be presented with this error.

You can use one of the following work arounds.
Use the Download icon from the order screen.
- Add the item to the product list and use either the download option or 'order' function from there. Note these options will not result in additional charges so long as they are done under the same reference number and within the same day.