What's new in Dealings

Information on the latest updates in New Landonline - Dealings.

Prepare a transmission in Title mode

July 2024

You can now prepare and register all transmission types in New Landonline.

You may notice extra fields on the prepare transmission screen. We've combined All of title, Share/Interest and Complex/Exception modes from Legacy Landonline into one mode in New Landonline and called it Title mode.

For now, you'll need to return to Legacy Landonline to:

  • use 'Change due to pending dealing'
  • attach an image
  • prepare a transmission for a lessee, mortgagee, encumbrancee or other type of interest.

More information


Prepare a transmission in title mode

Transmission screen in New Landonline.

Forgot your Landonline password? Got MFA? Reset it in New Landonline

June 2024

With the introduction of multi-factor authentication (MFA) for New Landonline, you will be able to reset your Landonline password from the New Landonline login screen.

You’ll find the ‘Forgotten your password? Reset it here.’ link under the login button. Follow the onscreen prompts to reset your password. 

To use this functionality, you will need to have MFA in place and a registered authentication email. If your firm is yet to be onboarded with MFA, continue to reach out to our customer support team for password resets. 

For more information:

Forgotten your New Landonline password

Screenshot of select reset password window

Update to signing screen

May 2024

We've updated the wording on the signing screen you use to enter your Landonline password.

Previously the pop-out signing screen was titled 'Enter password'. Now it's titled 'Authentication request'. 

The bottom button has also been updated from 'Login' to 'Confirm password'.

You don't need to do anything differently. Continue entering your password and select the Confirm password button to complete signing into Landonline.

More information

Sign one or more instruments


Authentication request screen. Highlighted is the field to enter your Landonline password.

Request Copy now available

May 2024

Create and view a Request copy from the Requests application, accessed via the nine-dot icon in your header.

Request Copy was formerly called Request Manual Copy in Legacy Landonline.

The new Request copy has an increased maximum character limit to 16,000.

If your Request is still pending you can now action a Request to cancel without having to call Customer Support.

New layout and navigation when making certifications

May 2024

The following navigation and layout changes have been made to the certification page of the certify and sign process:

  • Select an instrument row to open a slide out panel containing the instrument preview and certifications for the instrument. The slide out panel will default to the Instrument Preview.
  • Select the Certifications label to navigate to the instrument certifications.

There are many ways to navigate between instruments when making multiple certifications, including selecting:

  • Previous and Next instrument buttons, on the footer of the slide out panel
  • Up and down arrows on the header of the slide out panel
  • another instrument from the list of instruments.

You can select Proceed to sign instrument on the footer of the slide out panel to navigate to the signing page.

You can close the slide out panel by selecting the X in the header.

More information

Video: certify and sign your dealings

Review and certify instruments

Instrument preview tab

Instrument preview panel displaying the instrument to review before certifying and signing it

Certifications tab

Certifications tab where you select checkboxes to check standard and special matters and certify and sign

Prepare a transfer in Instrument mode

March 2024

Use Instrument mode to transfer a mortgage, an encumbrance or other interest, such as an easement instrument.

Instrument mode is the same as Lease/Mortage/Other mode in Legacy, but all 3 sub-modes have been combined into 1 form.

You will need to return to Legacy Landonline to use the following functionality:

  • transfer a lease instrument
  • deal with titles separately
  • attach an image.

For more information go to:

Prepare a transfer in Instrument mode

Shows prepare Transfer screen where Instrument button is selected.

View and edit additional owner details

March 2024

You can now view and edit additional details for a transferor or mortgagor, such as an alias, suffix or the birthdate of a minor.

When the person icon to the right of a mortgagor or transferor name is filled blue, it means there are additional details for that person.

Select the icon to view those details and select the icon again to hide them.

You can use the Change due to pending dealing toggle, underneath the transferors or mortgagors' names to edit these additional details, if needed.

Transferors screen. Highlighted is the person icon and change due to pending dealing toggle

Change due to pending dealing

March 2024

You can now also use Change due to pending dealing to edit registered owner details for transfers.

This follows our December release for Change due to pending dealing which allowed you to pre-empt changes from a dealing still pending registration for mortgages or discharge/withdrawal instruments.

Pending dealing also allows you to deal with protected (hidden) titles and instruments. 

For more information go to:

Prepare instruments


Prepare transfer screen. Highlighted is the delete icon, the add button and the change due to pending dealing toggle.

Last updated