Manual Order Form

Guidance on using the Manual Order Form.

If you have not found what you are looking for in Land Record Search, fill out the Manual Order Form and we can help you locate the record you require. Note that we can only help you find records that Toitū Te Whenua holds.

Why do I have to order this record manually?

We hold around 30 million records, and so far we have digitised over 3 million titles, 900,000 instruments, and 1.2 million plans. This includes 1.4 million parcels and 40,000 geodetic survey marks. Whether a record has been digitised depends on frequency of access, ease of indexing, ease of conversion into Landonline, and cost.

Records which have not been digitised are not in Land Record Search, so we need to find the hard copy in our archives. Requests for manual searches cost $25. The record is usually emailed to you as a PDF within 3 working days. Each record must be ordered separately.

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