Attention Dealings users
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From 7 October, Sign & Submit functionality will be switched off in Legacy Landonline 

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You are viewing guidance that refers to, or is for Legacy Landonline.

Timesaving hints and tips for e-dealings

Hints and tips that can help save you time when working through the e-dealing process in Legacy Landonline.

Create an e-dealing

  • Use the copy and paste function in fields within the roles area.
  • Maximise the screen before you start.
  • Adding all instruments before moving to entering roles is more efficient and takes advantage of fields which default some information.
  • Instead of using the tab key, use the 'arrow down' key twice to access the next document type field.
  • When in the Enter Titles screen, avoid the Enter key. This saves having to re-open the Enter Titles screen.
  • Use the Instrument Number to populate title references when doing a full DM.
  • Use the document type quick codes, rather than the Description drop down list.
  • Click in fields in which you want to enter data, rather than using the tab key.
  • Use the Add button in the Enter Title screen. Not adding the title to the list in this screen means having to repeat the process, as an e-dealing cannot be saved without a title reference.
  • Standardise the Client Reference by using the matter number.
  • Note dealing numbers.

Prepare instruments

  • Select instrument in Type or Status field to avoid drop down lists.
  • Use available short cut keys.
  • Use the Tab key after entering an instrument number in the Discharge Mortgage screen.
  • Ensure you have the correct owners.
  • Select the correct proprietorship type before entering data. This is important for a Combination proprietorship where editing only takes place in the last row.
  • Ensure all group share is together.
  • Avoid buttons you don't want to activate.
  • Use the refresh button if you accidentally delete proprietors.
  • Be aware there are separate fields for given and family names, and that these fields display as they will appear on the title.

Certify and sign

  • Remember your password, and the difference between the Landonline password and a Passphrase. If you enter the Passphrase incorrectly three times, the system locks your digital certificate.
  • Scroll to the end of the instrument details before moving on.
  • Ensure you read all certifications.
  • You can go directly to the instruments screens from Workspace. You don't have to open the Create Dealing screen.
  • If you expand the tree in Workspace, you can see the status changes to each dealing and instrument by the change to the icon next to the instrument or dealing.
  • If you make a mistake, click the Refresh button to clear all details and start again.
  • The Transfer instrument only changes to a status of Signed when both parties have signed.
  • Work only displays in the My Work folder in Workspace for the person who created the dealing. If you are certifying and signing, you need to look in the Supervised Work or All Work folders.
  • Landonline will not allow you to certify and sign if you don't have the rights.
  • The black box next to the 'Sign' button on each of the Prepare screens displays the date that the instrument was signed once signing has been completed.
  • You can pre-validate both dealings and instruments.
  • Certifications in the manual environment are the same as digital certifications in Landonline.
  • A message is sent to the other party in the dealing once certification is completed for each multi-party instrument. For single party instruments, no messages are sent to confirm certification.
  • You should print at the certify stage.

Complete Create Dealing screen #1

  • Maximise the screen before you start.
  • Add all instruments before you move on to entering roles. This method is more efficient, and also allows you to take advantage of fields that default some information.
  • You can add multiple rows before entering instrument codes.
  • It is handy to know the instrument codes rather than using the drop down list.
  • Use the document type quick codes, rather than using the Description drop down list.
  • You can alter fields (eg. Instrument type) before you save the dealing.
  • You can use the Tab key to move from field to field without having to use the mouse at all.
  • Instead of using the Tab key, try using the arrow down key twice to get to the next document type field.
  • When you are in the Enter Titles screen, be careful not to press the Enter key. If you do, the Enter Titles screen will close and you will need to re-open it.
  • Use the Add button in the Enter Title screen. If you don't add the title to the list in this screen, you will have to go back and add it again as you cannot save a dealing without a title reference.
  • If you are doing a full DM, use the Instrument Number to populate title references.
  • Mouse click in particular fields that you want to enter data in, rather than using the tab key.
  • Standardise the Client Reference, ie. use the matter number.
  • Use the copy (Ctrl + C) and paste (Ctrl + V) function in fields in the roles area.
  • Make a note of the dealing number.

Complete Create Dealing screen #2

Prepare Instruments


  • There are several ways to open an instrument screen:
    • Double click on the dealing or instrument in My Work.
    • Right click on the instrument in Workspace and select Open from the drop down list.
    • Select the instrument on the menu bar at top of the Workspace screen and select edit.
  • There are shortcut keys you can use in each screen (look for the underlined letter on buttons or menu items and use the ALT key and the underlined letter).
  • Select an instrument in the Type field or Status field to avoid displaying drop down lists.

Discharge Mortgage screen

  • Ensure you press the Tab key after entering an instrument number in the Discharge Mortgage screen to display the mortgagee name for that instrument.
  • Search the title first (in Create Dealing).
  • Pre-validate to find any other titles affected by the mortgage.

Transfer screen

  • Ensure you have the right owners.
  • Select the correct proprietorship type before entering data. This is particularly important for a Combination proprietorship, as you can only edit the last row in this type of tenancy.
  • Make sure that all the individuals in a group share are grouped together but identify the fraction against the group only once. For example, ensure that all the shares add up to one.
  • Use the Refresh button if you accidentally delete proprietors.
  • Be aware that there are separate fields for given name and family name. These fields display as they will appear on the title, so be careful with using correct capitalisation (and spelling).

Mortgage screen

  • Know the quick codes for the banks and/or where to get them (help, website, user guide).
  • The TAN recipient field is not used. Remember that TAN functionality has not been made active.
  • Most banks are asking for a Priority Amount to be entered. This is information is not mandatory, however if you leave it blank a message will query this choice when you save the mortgage instrument.
  • The Group and Group Share fields are only used in those cases where the mortgagees hold the mortgage in different shares or amounts.
Group Group Share Given Name Family Name
A 1/2 Jason Charles
A   Susan Charles
B 1/4 Karl Zeuchs
B   Meena Zeuchs
B   Paula Zeuchs
B   Samuel Dorr
C 1/4 Angus McLay