The icon and wording beside the dataset reference on your My Work page will change to reflect the change in status:
- The wording changes from Submitted to On requisition.
- The icon changes from a lock icon to an exclamation icon. The dataset has been unlocked so that you can edit the dataset and make any necessary changes to the captured data.
- The row will have a yellow bar next to the dataset icon to help identify it as a requisitioned dataset.

If a dataset is requisitioned, Landonline automatically sends notices to those users assigned as the Signing Surveyor and Primary Contact for the dataset to alert them to the requisition.
These notices are sent to the email address recorded in the Contact Details tab of the Maintain User screen found in Legacy Landonline.
Requisition process
If you receive a requisition from us, you’ll be able to edit the survey dataset again.
Step 1. Undertake the actions necessary to make the dataset compliant.
If you change data in the survey to make it compliant, you may need to re-capture data, re-link parcels and re-generate the CSD plans.
If the changes you make require new TA certification, you’ll either need to notify the TA, or scan and attach the new certificates as supporting documents.
Step 2. Document your reply and detail the changes made, either in the Requisition Notice document or as a separate report. Attach it as a supporting document with the type of Response to Requisition.
Step 3. Re-submit the survey dataset for Approval as to Survey.
If you change the number of parcels in the dataset, the submission fees are re-calculated with reversals and a total fee difference. This is outlined in the Fees tab of the Sign and Submit panel. See diagram below as an example.

If there is no change to the number of parcels, then the fees tab will show No changes to fees.

When the dataset is re-submitted, the dataset will be locked and the My Work entry will show the locked icon with the notation of Submitted, like the initial submission.
How to query the requisition
If you wish to query the requisition, you can submit a Requisition Clarification or Requisition Review request, from the Requests application.

Further information about these requests
Adding comments into a PDF from Adobe Reader
When you open Acrobat Reader look for the All tools pane and make sure it is open.

You will see a list of tools you can use. Find and click on Add Comments in the All tools pane.
A new pane will open (it may be on the right of your screen depending on which version of Adobe Reader you have).
Click at the location within the PDF where you want to place a note – the cursor will look like a sticky note when you hover over the PDF.
Enter the text in the Add a comment field in the Comments panel. When you have entered your comment then select Post.

When you are finished adding all your comments, save the PDF.
To return the PDF, attach as a Supporting Document in Landonline, as usual.
If you want to see your comments in a printed version, select Ctrl + P, then ensure you select Summarize contents alongside Documents and Markups in your printer settings.

Opening a PDF Requisition notice in Word to add information
When Toitū Te Whenua LINZ requisitions one of your survey's, the notice you receive outlining the reasons for the requisition could be in PDF rather than RTF format. There are two methods you can use to open the PDF as a Word document so you can add in your comments or any additional information needed.
Method 1: Opening the PDF from within Word
Download the PDF Requisition Notice from the email Toitū Te Whenua LINZ sent you.
- Open Word and start a new Word document

- Select File from the ribbon

- Select Open. Then select Browse.

- Select the drop-down arrow next to the document type. Then select All Word Documents (*.docx;*.docum;*.dotx;*.dotm;*.doc;*.doc;*.htm;*.html;*.rtf;*,mht;*.mhtml;*.xml;*.xml;*.odt;*.pdf). If you don't see this option, look for the Word option that has .pdf, and select it.

- Browse to the Requisition notice you want to open, select it and then select Open.

- You will see a message warning you that you are about to convert your PDF to an editable Word document. The original PDF won't be changed. Select OK.

- Add in your comments then save the Word doc as a PDF. To return the PDF, attach as a Supporting Document in Landonline, as usual.
Method 2: Navigating to the PDF and using the 'Open with' function
Download the PDF Requisition Notice from the email Toitū Te Whenua LINZ sent you.
- In File explorer, navigate to the PDF or use the Search function to locate the PDF. Then right-click on the PDF. From the drop-down menu that appears, hover over Open with. If Word appears in the list, select it, otherwise select Choose another app.

- Navigate to the Word app, select it and then select OK.

- You will see a message warning you that you are about to convert your PDF to an editable Word document. The original PDF won't be changed. Select OK.

- Add in your comments then save the Word doc as a PDF. To return the PDF, attach as a Supporting Document in Landonline, as usual.
See also: