Find out how to propose a new name for a place or feature in New Zealand, on our offshore islands or on our continental shelf, or in our Antarctic area of interest.

Anyone can make a proposal to name a place or feature in New Zealand, on our continental shelf and in our Antarctic area of interest. There is no cost for making a proposal.


The Board’s first hui in 2025 is:

  • Monday 31 March. The deadline for submitting place name proposals is Monday 3 February.

The Board’s two other hui later in 2025 (June/July, September/October) have yet to be set. As soon as they are confirmed, their dates and deadlines will be posted here.

For all three hui, place name proposals must be received at least eight weeks beforehand to be considered. Any proposals received after the deadlines will be considered at the Board’s next hui.

Your privacy

Proposals become a public record so your name may be released under an Official Information Act request.

Official Information Act 1982

Last updated