Crown pastoral land activity decisions

Find summaries of decisions made on the use of Crown pastoral land.

List of terms

The following terms are used in Crown pastoral land decisions. See Land registration glossary for more definitions.


Commissioner of Crown Lands


Operational Area

Person or organisation who provided consent

An area marked in the map attached to the relevant decision.


March 2024

Decision type What the decision relates to Decision number Lease name
Easement Install and maintain telecommunication facilities A5060341 Brooksdale Station
Commercial recreation permit Carrying out guided day hikes, picnic activities and associated helicopter activities A5094012 Loche Linnhe Station
Stock limitation exemption Carrying sheep and cattle A5146044 Black Forest
Commercial recreation permit Enable applicant to carry out filming A5180655 Coronet Peak, Earnslaw and The Branches
Stock limitation exemption Carrying sheep and cattle A4994850 Mt Algidus
Easement Telecommunications facilities A5300423 Rees Valley
Commercial recreation permit Enable applicant to carry out filming A5133207 Mt Burke
Stock limitation exemption Carrying sheep and cattle A5380813 Halfway Bay
Schedule 1AA CPLA Soil disturbance A5213857 The Forks
Commercial recreation permit Enable applicant to carry out an orienteering event A5328245 Upper Lake Heron and Glenfalloch

October 2023

Decision type What the decision relates to Decision number Lease name
Easement Establish and operate a solar array for the generation and distribution of electricity A5558709 Balmoral Tekapo

August 2023

Decision type What the decision relates to Decision number Lease name
Discretionary pastoral activity Forming tracks A5002079 Awapiri Station
Discretionary pastoral activity Clearing scrub and soil disturbance A5002075 Awapiri Station
Discretionary pastoral activity Clearing scrub A5011068 Awapiri Station
Discretionary pastoral activity Clearing scrub A5324280 Black Forest
Discretionary pastoral activity Planting vegetation A5365610 Coronet Peak, Earnslaw and The Branches
Discretionary pastoral activity Soil disturbance A5118148 Glenaray
Discretionary pastoral activity Clearing scrub A5321196 Glencairn Station
Discretionary pastoral activity Soil disturbance A5095694 Middlehurst Station
Discretionary pastoral activity Forming tracks A5096306 Middlehurst Station
Discretionary pastoral activity Burning A5237927 Mt Alexander
Discretionary pastoral activity Clearing scrub and soil disturbance A4994849 Mt Algidus
Discretionary pastoral activity Soil disturbance A5112010 Styx Run
Discretionary pastoral activity Cropping and cultivation A5201643 The Beeches I
Discretionary pastoral activity Sowing and top-dressing A5385009 The Beeches II
Discretionary pastoral activity Forming tracks A5385014 The Beeches II
Discretionary pastoral activity Planting vegetation A5165433 Upper Lake Heron
Discretionary pastoral activity Clearing scrub A5174973 Upper Lake Heron
Discretionary pastoral activity Forming tracks A5177729 Upper Lake Heron
Discretionary pastoral activity Soil disturbance A5165431 Upper Lake Heron
Discretionary pastoral activity Clearing scrub A5175681 Upper Lake Heron
Discretionary pastoral activity Burning A5199109 Wairua Downs
Discretionary pastoral activity Clearing scrub A5199112 Wairua Downs

May 2023

Decision type What the decision relates to Decision number Lease name
Discretionary pastoral activity Soil disturbance and clearing of scrub A5150692 Lake Taylor
Discretionary pastoral activity Cropping and cultivating A5150690 Lake Taylor
Discretionary pastoral activity Burning vegetation A5150696 Lake Taylor
Discretionary pastoral activity Clearing scrub A5150690 Lake Taylor
Discretionary pastoral activity Top-dressing and sowing seed A5150700 Lake Taylor
Discretionary pastoral activity Forming tracks A5150694 Lake Taylor
Discretionary pastoral activity Soil disturbance for the construction of buildings and infrastructure A5115318 Mt White
Discretionary pastoral activity Cultivating A5115317 Mt White