Legislation we administer
You can read a full description of each Act on the New Zealand Legislation website.
- Cadastral Survey Act 2002
- Crown Grants Act 1908
- Crown Pastoral Land Act 1998
- Hunter Gift for the Settlement of Discharged Soldiers Act 1921
- Land Act 1948
- Land Transfer Act 2017
- New Zealand Geographic Board Act 2008
- Public Works Act 1981
- Rating Valuations Act 1998
- Reserves and Other Lands Disposal Acts
- Valuation Department (Restructuring) Act 1998
- Valuers Act 1948
Prior to 12 November 2018, the Land Transfer Act 1952 and Land Transfer (Computer Registers and Electronic Lodgement) Amendment Act 2002 were in force. Toitū Te Whenua also administered those Acts.
Secondary legislation
- LINZS20012 Certification of Electronic Instruments (Statutory Requirements and Retention of Evidence) Standard 2018
- LINZS20013 Boundary Changes - Accretion and Dry Beds (Rivers and Streams) Standard 2018
- LINZS20014 Withholding Information under the Land transfer Act 2017 Standard 2018
- LINZS20015 Recording Memorials on the Register Standard 2018
- LINZS20016 Allocation of Certification Rights Standard 2018
- LINZD20017 Requisition Periods Directive 2018
- LINZS20018 Authority and Identity Requirements for E-Dealing Standard 2018
- LINZD20019 Availability of Online Digital Services under the Land Transfer Act 2017 Directive 2018
- LINZ L S 01295 Commissioner of Crown Lands’ Standard on Easements, transfers and Subleases affecting Crown pastoral land
- LINZS30300 Ratings Valuation Rules 2008
- LINZS30302 Rules for Assessment of Carrying Capacity of Crown Pastoral Land
- Notice of Residential Land Statement
Other legislation
Toitū Te Whenua has functions under a number of other Acts. These include:
Electoral boundaries
Unit titles
- Unit Titles Act 2010 (partially administered by Toitū Te Whenua, with the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment)
Land acquisition and network utility operators
Land disposal
The Chief Executive of Toitū Te Whenua has statutory functions under the Public Works Act relating to the disposal of surplus land. This disposal function can arise for land held by other agencies under various Acts such as:
- Airport Authorities Act 1966
- Crown Research Institutes Act 1992
- Health Sector (Transfers) Act 1993
- New Zealand Railways Corporation Act 1981
- New Zealand Railways Corporation Restructuring Act 1990
- State-Owned Enterprises Act 1986
- Treaty of Waitangi (State Enterprises) Act 1988
Māori land
- Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993
- Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 – reclaimed land
- Crown Forest Assets Act 1989 – administering leases
Overseas investment
Statutory officers
The 4 statutory officers are:
- Commissioner of Crown Lands
- Registrar-General of Land
- Surveyor-General (also Chairperson of the New Zealand Geographic Board)
- Valuer-General (also Chairperson of the Valuers Registration Board).
The Registrar-General of Land and the Surveyor-General have special responsibilities relating to land transactions under more than 50 statutes.