Attention Dealings users
Landonline icon Attention Survey users

From 7 October, Sign & Submit functionality will be switched off in Legacy Landonline 

Learn more about Transitioning to New Landonline

5. Add, edit or remove roles

At least one instrument and one Primary Contact must be added before a dealing number can be saved. Identify the Primary Contact and Conveyancing Professional for each instrument, and the firm responsible for releasing the instrument and submitting the dealing.


Identify the Primary Contact and Conveyancing Professional for each instrument, and the firm responsible for releasing the instrument and submitting the dealing.

Part 6: E-dealing guidelines in the PLS Guidelines (New Zealand Law Society) sets out guidelines on nominating a Primary Contact and a Conveyancing Professional, and the obligations of these roles.

When setting up a dealing at least one instrument and one Primary Contact role must be entered. The dealing can then be saved without the other instrument roles being added. 

A key difference relating to mortgages is that New Landonline will automatically create separate Mortgagor and Mortgagee roles (multi-party) for a new mortgage instrument. This is to separate who is representing the mortgagor and the mortgagee. In most cases, these will be the same people and the application will automatically default the Mortgagee roles to be the same as the Mortgagor roles. These can be edited where there is separate representation.

  • Mortgages created in Legacy Landonline will continue to be a single role on behalf of both the Mortgagor and Mortgagee.
  • If a mortgage is created in Legacy Landonline, Conveyancing Professionals will continue to certify and sign on behalf of the Mortgagor and Mortgagee together no matter which system they undertake this task in.
  • If a mortgage is created in New Landonline, Conveyancing Professionals will need to certify and sign separately for the Mortgagor or Mortgagee no matter which system they undertake this task in.

What to do

  1. Select the Primary Contact and Conveyancing Professional for each instrument role.
  • Click into the Primary Contact and Conveyancing Professional fields to show a list of your firm's Landonline users. Or start typing the person’s name or Landonline ID to filter the list.
  • If you have set up default Primary Contact and Conveyancing Professional roles, select the Populate with your default roles icon (people  icon) at the end of each instrument role to populate your default roles. Go to Legacy Landonline to set up your preferences.
  • Use the + button at the end of an instrument role to add additional representatives to that role (for example, where there are multiple transferors represented by different firms) and use - to remove roles.
  • Use the X or select the field and use your backspace to remove a Primary Contact or Conveyancing Professional.
add roles to a dealing
  1. Review the Responsible for release role for each instrument.
  • The document with an up-arrow icon indicates which roles are responsible for the release of each instrument.
  • For example, a multi-party mortgage instrument defaults to having the Mortgagee set as responsible for release. You can select a different role if required.
  • By default, where there are multiple representatives for a role the top row will be set as responsible for release. You can select a different representative if required.
  1. Review the Responsible for fees for each instrument.
  • The $ icon indicates which roles are responsible for the fees of each instrument.
  • For example, a multi-party mortgage instrument defaults to having the Mortgagor set as responsible for fees. You can select a different role if required.
  • By default, where there are multiple representatives for a role, the top row will be set as responsible for fees. You can select a different representative if required.
responsible for release and responsible for fees options
  1. Click Save button (always located in the bottom right-hand corner of the page).
  • You must have at least one instrument and one Primary Contact entered to save a dealing for the first time.
  • A dealing number will be issued (located top-left corner) when a dealing is saved for the first time.
  • A dealing will automatically save if you navigate straight to the Prepare instrument page for an instrument.
Last updated