Attention Dealings users
Landonline icon Attention Survey users

From 7 October, Sign & Submit functionality will be switched off in Legacy Landonline 

Learn more about Transitioning to New Landonline

Enable users

Enable and manage the users for the survey, including assigning a Primary Contact and Signing Surveyor for the survey. These can be the same person.


  • A survey must have one Primary Contact and one Signing Surveyor. These roles can be changed, but a new Primary Contact and Signing Surveyor should be re-assigned before a user can be removed.  
    • The Primary Contact for a survey must be from the firm responsible for submitting the survey.
    • The Signing Surveyor for a survey can be from the firm submitting the survey or an external firm.
    • Users from your firm or external users can be assigned rights to work on a particular dataset.


In New Landonline, contractors associated with a Firm are able to view all surveys (including the captured data). 

This means that Contractors using the new Survey application will have read-only view of all the Firm’s surveys, including those they are not assigned as an enabled user. See Contractors for more information.

Learn about the key differences with legacy Landonline.

See also: Cadastral Survey Act 2002 and Cadastral Survey (Compulsory Lodgement of Digital Cadastral Survey Datasets) Order 2007