GIS student and graduate profiles

New Zealand needs people with the skills and understanding to unlock the potential of location information. There are Geographic Information System (GIS) related courses being offered from Whangarei to Invercargill, and students are experiencing big benefits from adding GIS to their study.

Alan Scandrett

Alan is a Geography Honours student focussing on GIS at the University of Auckland (Summer Intern – Watercare 2017/18, LINZ 2016/17)

Alan Scandrett kayaking in white water rapids

Alex Pasco

Alex is a Geospatial Data Administrator with the New Zealand Defence Force

Alex Pasco

Alistair Collow

Alistair is studying by distance for a PGDipA in Geospatial Science at Massey University

Alistair Collow, geospatial student, standing on a snowy mountain with sunrise in the background


Amit Kokje

Amit is a Senior Specialist (Geospatial Platform and Support) at Auckland Council

GIS graduate Amit Kokje

Cait Giles

Cait is a GIS Analyst- Historian specialist role at Te Arawhiti – The Office for Māori Crown Relations

GIS graduate Cait Giles

Cheng Ho Pan (Ben Cheng)

Ben is a Location Data Analyst at Land Information New Zealand

Cheng Ho Pan (Ben Cheng)

Chloe Samaratunga

Chloe is studying for a Bachelor of Advanced Science with Auckland University of Technology (AUT)

GIS graduate Chloe Samaratunga

Christina McCabe

Christina is a BSc Environmental Science & Geography student via distance learning at Massey University

GIS graduate Christina McCabe

Deanna Teao

Deanna is a Master of Science in Remote Sensing student at Massey University (Turitea Campus, Palmerston North)

Deanna Teao

Emma Burge

Emma is a GIS analyst at the Environmental Protection Agency

GIS graduate Emma Burge

Hamish Kingsbury

Hamish is a Senior Spatial Data Specialist at Abley

Hamish Kingsbury

Hannah Reid

Hannah is a Master of Science in Remote Sensing student at Massey University (Turitea Campus, Palmerston North)

Hannah Reid

Jennifer Coppola

Jennifer is a Hydrographic Surveyor at Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand and is studying part-time for a PGDip in Arts (Geospatial Sciences) via distance learning at Massey University

Photograph of Jennifer Coppola in Antarctica

Jordan Stewart

Jordan is studying at Unitec Auckland for a Bachelor of Applied Science (Biodiversity Management) that includes Applied GIS course and Final Research Project using GIS

Geospatial student Jordan Stewart standing in front of a beach and island

Josef Beautrais

Josef is a Systems Modeller employed at AgResearch

Josef Beautrais

Kasey Oomen

Kasey is a resilience advisor at Land Information New Zealand

GIS graduate Kasey Oomen

Kelly Hayhurst

Kelly is an Ecologist at Ecology NZ

Kelly Hayhurst

Kiu Hei Chloe Yip

Kiu Hei Chloe is studying for a Bsc/LLB majoring in Geography and GIS at the University of Auckland

Geospatial student Kiu Hei Chloe Yip pictured with blue sky and trees in the background

Mat Darling

Mat is a Geospatial Development Leader for Pattle Delamore Partners

Mat Darling

Nikora Warren Heitia

Nikora is a a Senior Treaty Partnerships Advisor at the Department of Conservation

Nikora Heitia

Rachael Nilsson

Rachael is a Graduate GIS Analyst at Tonkin & Taylor, starting early 2023

GIS graduate Rachael Nilsson


Rebecca McMorran

Rebecca is a Senior Transport Analyst, Transport Strategy Team at the Wellington City Council

Rebecca McMorran

Richard Law

Richard is a GIS Developer employed at MetOcean Solutions

Richard Law

Ronny Rowe

Ronny is undertaking a MSc in GIS at the University of Otago

Geospatial graduate Ronny Rowe standing in front of snowy mountains

Sam Williamson

Sam is a Geospatial Specialist at Fulton Hogan

Sam Williamson presenting to an audience, in front of a digital application

Samuel Wong

Sam is studying for a Bachelor of Data Science (Major in Spatial Data Science) at the University of Canterbury

Geospatial student Samuel Wong standing in front of a leafy green background

Spencer Han

Spencer is a Data Wrangler at Stats NZ

Spencer Han

Taipuni Ruakere

Taipuni is a Postgraduate Diploma in arts (Geospatial Science) student via distance learning at Massey University

Taipuni Ruakere

Talia Mather

Talia is studying for a Bachelor of Science (Majoring in Environmental Science and GIS) at the University of Auckland

Geospatial student Talia Mather


Tania Te Hira

Tania is a is a Geospatial Specialist with Haanuiorangi Te Whare Tapu o Ngāpuhi

Geospatial student Tania Te Hira with a model of a dolphin

Tristan McHardie

Tristan is a GIS Administrator at Waikato Regional Council

Tristan McHardie

Will Jones

Will is a geospatial developer at Orbica

GIS graduate Will Jones