Attention Dealings users
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From 7 October, Sign & Submit functionality will be switched off in Legacy Landonline 

Learn more about Transitioning to New Landonline

Pre-validate a dealing

You can pre-validate and check the content and structure of a dealing, which notifies you of any warnings or failures. Landonline cannot always validate the content of fields, such as free text, or validate attachments.


  • Pre-validation checks the content and structure of a dealing and notifies you of any warnings or failures. Landonline cannot always validate the content of fields, such as free text, or validate attachments.
  • Toitū Te Whenua recommends pre-validating a dealing before submission.
  • When you pre-validate a dealing, Landonline pre-validates all the instruments in that dealing.
  • You can pre-validate a dealing at any time and as often as you want before submitting your dealing. This doesn’t incur any fees. Separate sets of business rules are also run at signing and submit. 
  • To pre-validate a dealing, you must be from a firm associated with the dealing and have the appropriate privileges.
  • You can submit a dealing for registration with pre-validation warnings and failures.
  • Only the results of the last pre-validation will appear in the pre-validation report. The report lists failures and warnings by instrument.
  • If an instrument is deleted from the dealing, any current pre-validations will clear, so the dealing must be pre-validated again.

What to do

  1. Navigate to the Pre-validate Dealing page. There are two ways to do this:
    • If you’re within a dealing, click Pre-validate Dealing from the dealing navigation. 
    • If you’re on your Landing page, click the three-dot icon at the end of the dealing’s row and select Pre-validate Dealing.
select prevalidate a dealing tab
  1. Click the Run pre-validation on Dealing button.
    • If the dealing passes pre-validation, a green tick icon will display to let you know there are no failures or warnings.
    • If the dealing fails pre-validation, the page will display any failures or warnings by instrument. Where applicable (for example, if data is missing), click on the arrow beside the failure or warning to go to the Prepare instrument page amendments are needed.
    • A time and date stamp in the top-left corner of the page tells you when the last pre-validation was run. 
    • Click the Print report button to print the pre-validation report.

The report won’t save if you navigate away from this page. Either print the report or re-run pre-validation to view this again.

  1. If required, edit the dealing and repeat the steps. 
prevalidation errors when prevalidating a dealing
Last updated