Prepare a mortgage in Instrument mode

How to use Instrument mode to mortgage a mortgage, an encumbrance or other interest, including lease or easement instrument.

When to use Instrument mode

Use Instrument mode to mortgage a mortgage, an encumbrance or other interest, including lease or easement instrument.

More than 1 affected instrument can be mortgaged, except when the instrument number is manually entered. You can only manually enter 1 affected instrument.

Mandatory fields are marked by a red asterisk and must be completed for successful pre-validation, certify and sign, and submission.


If a Leasehold Title or Composite Title has been created for a lease, use either Simple or Complex mode to complete the mortgage.

1: Navigate to the Prepare instrument page.

You can access the Prepare instrument page from the Instruments and Roles page. To open the page choose one of the following:

  1. Select the Mortgage hyper link when the instrument details are collapsed.
  2. Select Prepare when the mortgage instrument details are displayed.
  3. Select the 3-dot menu to the right of the transmission instrument. Then select Prepare instrument from the menu.
All links you can select to go to the prepare instrument page.

2: Select Instrument to change to Instrument mode.

By default, Simple mode is selected for a mortgage instrument.

Select Instrument mode to mortgage a mortgage, encumbrance or other interest including lease or easement instrument.

The mode type can be changed back to Simple if the mortgage is for all registered owners over all of the affected titles.

Prepare a mortgage in Simple mode

The mode type can be changed to Complex if the mortgage is:

  • only affecting part of the land
  • when dealing with only some of the mortgagors shares and/or interests on one or more titles,or
  • when adding specific conditions or clauses to the instrument. 

Prepare a mortgage in Complex mode.  

Instrument toggle.

Dealing with multiple titles with different ownership

If dealing with multiple titles that have different ownership, the Prepare page will default to Simple mode. Complex mode will be disabled. 

You can select Instrument mode if you need to mortgage a common mortgagee across multiple mortgages from different titles. For example, Lender 1 has mortgages on 4 different properties with different ownership and is taking out a new mortgage against those existing mortgages.

3: If dealing with part of the land, check the Only part of the land to be mortgaged checkbox.

Select the Only part of the land to be mortgaged checkbox if the mortgage is only for part of the land.

Enter the legal description for the part of the land to be mortgaged. The Description of Part field is a free text field and is limited to 500 characters.

Ensure you include all the details required, for example: Part Lot 1 LT12345 formerly comprised in Lot 2 DP6789.

This instrument will step down to lodge if this field is used.  

Field to enter info and checkbox.

4: Select which instruments to mortgage.

The names of the interest holders will automatically display.

Select the relevant checkboxes next to the affected mortgagors. To affect all mortgagors select the checkbox next to Joint Mortgagor group.

Review the Mortgagors section in the Summary to check your selections are correct.

Checkbox for affected instrument

Manually enter Instrument number

You'll need to manually enter an instrument number if the instrument you are affecting isn't listed. For example a lease or an easement, or when dealing with a protected (hidden) instrument.

  1. Select the Manually enter Instrument number checkbox.
  2. Enter the instrument number to be mortgaged.
  3. Enter the Mortgagor name. Use a comma to separate names when there are multiple Mortgagors.

This instrument will step down to lodge if these fields are used.

When mortgaging a lease, you must manually enter the lease number into the Instrument number field.

Fields to enter instrument number

Change due to pending dealing

The Change due to pending dealing toggle under the mortgagors can be used to edit, add or delete the names displayed. For example, use when an instrument in a prior dealing is changing an interest holder. 

You will need to confirm you want to modify the names before making any changes.

Example of change due to pending dealing toggle.


Use the Revert / Update button above the Mortgagors section to re-set the interest holder's name to reflect the Register and any prior instrument in the dealing. 

For example, if the interest holder's name has been edited using Change due to pending dealing, it will revert to what is recorded on the Register.  Or, if a prior instrument has been added to your dealing which changes the interest holder, using Revert / Update will pull through the updated names.

Example of revert update link.

5: Select whether the Mortgagees are Single or Joint or Shares.

By default, Single or joint is selected.

Use Single or joint for 1 or more mortgagees who will hold the mortgage solely or together.

Use Shares where mortgagees will hold the mortgage in shares or amounts. Use a number, fraction or dollar value for the amount.

Example of buttons to choose for single, joint or shares.

6: Select or enter a Mortgagee.

Use the drop-down menu in the Name field to view a list of common mortgagees that have associated quick codes.

The most common lenders are listed first.

Either scroll down the list or start typing a lender's name to filter the available options.

Example of menu for mortgagees.

Other lenders

For other mortgagees, such as private mortgagees, type the name directly into the Name field.

After entering the name, select it from the drop-down menu to confirm your entry.

Example of typing in private mortgagee

Add Shares, additional Mortgagees or create a Mortgagee group

Use Add Mortgagee to add another mortgagee row.

Use Add group in the Shares mode to create a joint tenancy structure.

Buttons to add mortgagees and groups

In Shares mode enter the shares each mortgagee holds.

Field to type in the shares

Use the 3-dot menu to:

  • move mortgagees up or down in the list
  • create a joint mortgagee group
  • remove a mortgagee from a group
  • delete mortgagee rows.
Example of 3 dot menu.

7: Select or enter the Memorandum number.

Select the Memorandum number field to look up a memorandum.

If the mortgagee has specific memoranda these will be listed first, followed by common or generic memoranda such as ADLS.

Either scroll down the list, which is arranged from newest to oldest, or start typing part of the memorandum number to filter options.

Example of menu of memorandum numbers.

8: Select either All obligations or Fixed Sum and enter required information.

By default, All obligations is selected. Select Fixed Sum to change this option.

Example of toggles for all obligations or fixed sum.

Complete any required fields marked by a red asterisk.

All obligations

Enter the Priority amount for the mortgage. You don't need to add a $ sign.

This is not a mandatory requirement, however as it's commonly used a pre-validation warning will display if the field is left blank.

Example of a priority amount

Fixed sum

At a minimum, you must enter the Principal sum amount. You don't need to add a $ sign.

Complete the other mortgage details if known.

Example of principal sum fields.

9: Add text to the Additional Clauses, Conditions or Intent field, if needed.

Use the Add text field to include additional details, such as supplementary clauses and conditions, or to clarify the intent for the mortgage. This is a free text field.

Ensure you include all the details required.

This instrument will step down to lodge if this field is used.

Text field for adding more details

10: Upload an attachment to support the mortgage, if needed.

Use the Attach image field to add PDFs. You can:

  • drag and drop a PDF into the Attach image field, or
  • select browse and upload a PDF from your files.

There is no limit on the number of PDFs you can attach, but all attachments together must not exceed 45 MB. You won’t be able to save the Prepare instrument page if any or all attachments exceed 45 MB.

Delete one or more attachments until the combined size is 45 MB or less.

You can view attached PDFs by:

  • clicking on a PDF
  • selecting Preview Instrument to view the compiled instruments and attachments.
Example of where to upload PDF.

11: Review the Summary and preview the instrument.

The Summary tab will automatically update and display a read-only summary of some key details entered on the left-hand side of the page.   

Select  Preview instrument view, print or download the full instrument preview, including any added text, attachments or certifications and signatures. 

The instrument preview might take time to load if you have attached PDFs. This is because it needs to compile the structured data with the attachments. 

Buttons to preview instrument

12. Save.

Select Save at the bottom right of the page to save the information and stay on the Prepare instrument page.

Select Save & back to save the information and return to the Instrument & Roles page.

Last updated