2. View Dealing fee details

The Submit page shows a summary of the indicative dealing fees the submitting firm is responsible for.


  • The Submit page shows a summary of the indicative dealing fees the submitting firm is responsible for. 
  • Dealing fees are separate to the post-registration search fees. 
  • Non-submitting firms can use the Fees page from the dealing navigation bar to view the dealing fees they’re responsible for. 

What to do

  1. Review the dealing fees:
    • You can see the Dealing fee details your firm is responsible for. 
    • By default, your client reference will be used as a reference on your LINZ fees report. 
    • You can use the Notes for fees report to add any additional billing notes. To view these, generate a fees report.
Screenshot of submit dealing fee details

The screenshot is using old fee data and is not representative of current fees.

Last updated